Admission procedure
Direct access is open to three-year graduates who meet the above-mentioned entry requirements and have obtained a degree with a mark of 95/110 or higher.
Admission of three-year graduates with a score of less than 95/110 is subject to passing an oral interview on the subjects of Institutions of Business Administration, Accounting and Financial Statements, Analytical Accounting and Commercial Law. The purpose of the interview is to test the candidate's basic skills, so that they can start their Second-cycle degree course with the knowledge they need to do so effectively.
If the candidate fails the interview, he/she is given the opportunity to reapply for the next interview and guidance on how to prepare more effectively.
The interviews are held every year in July, September and November and there is no possibility of holding them in another session.
In order to prepare for the oral examination, it is necessary to study the following bibliography in depth:
- Andrei P. (ed.), Introduzione all’economia d’azienda, Giappichelli, Turin, 2019: chap. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7;
- Andrei P. - Fellegara A.M. (eds.), Contabilità generale e bilancio d’impresa, Giappichelli, Turin, 2020: chapter 7;
- Azzali S. (ed.), Financial reporting and Accounting Standards, Giappichelli, Turin, 2021: chap. 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8;
- Garrison R.H., Noreen E.W., Brewer P. C., Agliati M., Cinquini L., Programmazione e controllo. Managerial accounting per le decisioni aziendali, third edition, Milan, Mc Graw-Hill, 2017: chap. 1, 2, 5, 7;
- Campobasso G.F., Diritto commerciale, UTET, Turin, Vol. 2, latest edition (2020) – Diritto delle società: chap. 9 (Amministrazione), 10 (Collegio sindacale. Controllo contabile, only part A), 14 (Le modifiche dello statuto), 16 (Lo scioglimento delle società per azioni), 18 (La società a responsabilità limitata) and 20 (Trasformazione, fusione e scissione).
For students who do not already have the above-mentioned texts (e.g. from other universities), please proceed as follows: look up the topics covered in the interview from the indexes of the reference texts on the Internet and review these topics in the texts used in your own First-cycle degree programme. The above topics are generally covered in all class 18 LT courses, so it is not essential to purchase or read the texts indicated.
Graduates with a foreign qualification equivalent to or higher than an Italian First-cycle degree must attend the admission interview, regardless of their degree grade, without prejudice to the procedure provided for by current legislation for qualifications obtained abroad.
Those who wish to enrol in ADA and who need to supplement their skills as per the curricular requirements, can enrol in individual courses as per the link below.
Enrolment in individual courses: Enrolment is carried out on-line by connecting to the University website (N.B.: before proceeding with enrolment and payment of the fee, please ensure that you meet the above-mentioned admission requirements).
Also undergraduate students who, however, must have obtained their First-cycle degree before the interview, otherwise the test will be cancelled.