Criteria for transfers and transitions
Applications for transitions and transfers from other university locations of the Midwifery degree course may be submitted each year between 1 July to 25 August, according to specific procedures published in a special notice on the course web page. Applications are approved by the Course Council, after consulting the Teaching Committee (CD). The number of scheduled places available is also taken into account. Enrolment in years subsequent to the first year, following the procedures for the recognition of credits by the university of destination, may only take place within the limit of the places made available as a result of withdrawals, transfers and drop-outs from the course year in question, in relation to the places defined in the annual planning decrees. The student requesting the transfer is required to submit appropriate documentation, including the programme of study of the home institution, the syllabus of the courses, and proof of the ECTS credits obtained. In the case of a transfer request by Italian or foreign students coming from a midwifery degree course at a non-Italian university, the documentation must be accompanied by an official translation; the request cannot be accepted if the documentation is incomplete or non-conforming. The documentation required for the request is submitted by the student to the Student Registry Office, which, after checking and administrative control (fees, transfers, etc.) will forward the request to the Course President. After assessing the application and identifying the number of credits recognised, and after consulting the Course Council, the Course President authorises the student's regular enrolment in the Course. Enrolment in a given year is, however, conditional on the availability of places |