Rewards for student representatives on university bodies and organs

At its meetings of 8 April and 6 May 2021, the Council of the Department of Chemical, Life and Environmental Sustainability Sciences resolved to award the "special mention at graduation for the service provided in support of the functioning of the University Bodies" to students who have participated in the Collegiate Councils listed below, for at least one year of activity and provided that they have guaranteed attendance at at least 75% of the meetings (excused absences up to a maximum of 25% of the total number of meetings will also be counted as attendance).
Students must self-certify their participation by sending a communication to the President of the Course of Study when submitting their application for graduation, specifying:
-the type of collegiate body -the time span of the term of office of the representative -the dates of the meetings in which he/she actually took part, The President of the Course of Study, with the assistance of the Quality Assurance Office, will check what has been self-certified and will proceed to inform the President of the Degree Committee. The administrative services of the Department are mandated to carry out the subsequent and consequent tasks.
N.B. The special mention at graduation for the service offered to support the functioning of the University bodies appears only on the degree certificate (on tax stamps) that the student may request from the Student Registry Office, while it will not appear on the one that the student can download directly from ESSE3.
University Bodies and Organs:
Academic Senate

Board of Directors

Board of Evaluation

Student Council

University Quality Presidium

Single Guarantee Committee

University Sports Committee

Departmental Council

Joint Teachers' and Students' Committee

Departmental Quality

Presidium Course Council

Review Group


Final test regulations

Art. 1. - GENERAL ASPECTS The aim of the final examination is to test the undergraduate's ability to expound and discuss a chemical topic carried out during the internship. To this end, the student will prepare a short written paper relating to the internship activity and publicly present his or her work before a degree committee.
In order to accustom the student to the precise and concise style typical of technical-scientific reports and papers, the short paper will have the following structure:

- Title page

- Brief summary

- Introduction

- Results and Discussion

- Conclusion

- Additional material (optional)

The summary, no longer than two pages, briefly summarises methods and results. Additional material includes, when necessary, materials (spectra, figures, analyses, etc.) to support the main text.

At least one week before the scheduled date of the final examination, the student must send an e-mail message to the "Quality Assurance Office" ( two files in PDF format: the first must be complete with title page (FORM FRONTESPIZIO), abstract and text of the thesis; the second must contain only title page and abstract. The Registry Office will distribute the file to all members of the Degree Committee. Dates and deadlines relating to degree examinations are published on the graduation-sessions-and-dates calendar page.
The first page of the paper (title page) contains the following information: Department, Degree Course, Title of dissertation, names of tutors and graduating student and academic year.
For admission to the final examination, the student must have acquired all the ECTS credits envisaged by the Course Regulations, with the sole exception of those allocated to the final examination. The graduation grade is expressed out of 110 and includes an overall assessment of the student's curriculum. For the formation of the degree mark, the committee considers the average of the marks obtained in the educational activities, evaluated in thirtieths, including examinations passed in other degree courses and validated.
Art. 2. - THE GRADUATION COMMITTEE The GRADUATION COMMITTEE is appointed by the Director of the Department for each graduation session and is composed of a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 11 professors/instructors, and preferably includes the internship tutors.
Art. 3. - METHODS FOR CONDUCTING THE FINAL TEST Prior to the presentation of the internship work, the tutor presents an overall assessment of the candidate to the degree committee. The exposure time for the final test must not exceed 15 minutes. At the end of the presentation, the committee is entitled to ask the candidate questions concerning the work performed. The Board, taking into account the Tutor's judgement and the candidate's presentation, awards an increment on the weighted average of marks up to a maximum of 8 points, according to the scheme below. An additional increase of 2 points will be granted to students graduating during prescribed time for course completion. The average will be rounded up or down if the two digits after the decimal point are respectively equal to/above 50 or below. A weighted average of at least 103/110 is required for the award of honours. The most senior member of each committee is appointed chairman and, as such, has the task of enforcing the time limits for the presentation and ensuring the uniformity of the final evaluation.

Score table

On-line thesis management due to the coronavirus emergency

ONLINE APPLICATION FOR GRADUATION The online application for graduation must be completed at least ONE MONTH before the Graduation Session and the last examination must be recorded at least 10 DAYS before the Graduation Session. 
The online procedure to apply for admission to take the degree examination is now active.
From the University website, click on Studente iscritto> Servizi di Segreteria on line> Domanda di laurea; you will need to access the service with your credentials.
For information, please follow the directions on the webpage