cod. 1012492

Anno accademico 2024/25
2° anno di corso - Secondo semestre
Settore scientifico disciplinare
Geologia strutturale (GEO/03)
A scelta dello studente
Tipologia attività formativa
A scelta dello studente
76 ore
di attività frontali
6 crediti
sede: PARMA

Obiettivi formativi

The course aims to prepare students to approach the issues related to geothermal energy exploration and production from basic physical rules to integrated methodological approaches applied to specific case study.


Basic (first degree) knowledge of structural geology, stratigraphy, petrography, geochemistry, geophysics and seismic interpretation.

Contenuti dell'insegnamento

- Thermodynamics related and specifically applied to geothermal energy (prof Iaffaldano)
- Geological characterization and delimitation of geothermal field with subsurface prospection methodologies (prof Artoni)
- Submarine Hydrothermal Systems: mineral deposits and the plausible role in the origin of life (seminars) (prof Trua)
- Carbon storage into volcanic rocks (seminars) (prof Trua)
- Low-enthalpy geothermal energy, hydrothermal sources and hydrogen production (external relator seminar coordinated by Artoni, Montanini and Nazzareni)
- Field trip in geothermal areas (to be defined according to number of participants) (proff Artoni, Balsamo, Storti, Iaffaldano, Montanini, Nazzareni, Trua).

Programma esteso

1) Thermodynamics primer (heat content, Fourier’s law, conduction/advection equation), depth-temperature profiles in the shallow crust, dependence from thermodynamics parameters of different rock materials, Darcy’s law and migration of fluids in thermodynamically active porous media.

2) Geological characterization and delimitation of geothermal field with subsurface prospection methodologies (prof Artoni and Chizzini)
- A brief recap of Seismic reflection interpretation;
- Introduction to and practice on software and software tools useful for identification and characterization of geothermal fields;
- Team work in computer lab with a dataset of seismic reflection profiles and well logs from a case study:

3) Submarine Hydrothermal Systems: mineral deposits and the plausible role in the origin of life.
- Composition and evolution of the hydrothermal fluid flow at the oceanic ridges (mid-oceanic ridges, back-arc settings).
- The role of submarine hydrothermal systems in mineralization.
- Hydrothermal ecosystem developed on the deep, dark seafloor surrounding the vents emitting hot fluids: a view on chemical-biological processes related to the origin of life on Earth.

4) Carbon storage in volcanic rocks.
A potential carbon dioxide removal (CDR) measure: the sequestration of CO2 by the mineralization of submarine basaltic rocks.
Examples of functioning and prototype CO2 sequestration systems: the CARBFIX consortium in Iceland; the Cascadia CarbonSAFE project, 200 miles offshore Oregon.

5) Seminar activities (external relator’s seminar coordinated by Artoni, Montanini and Nazzareni)
- Low-enthalpy geothermal energy;
- hydrothermal sources and hydrogen production

6) Field trip in geothermal areas (to be defined according to number of participants) (proff Artoni, Balsamo, Storti, Iaffaldano, Montanini, Nazzareni, Trua). Observations and measurements in active and/or fossil geothermal field.


Slides and scientific articles provided by the teachers and uploaded on the online ELLY platform
Book: Hydrothermal processes and mineral systems. Franco Pirajno (author), 2009, Springer (Ed)

Metodi didattici

Lectures, classroom exercises, seminars, laboratory analyses, computer laboratory, field activity.

Modalità verifica apprendimento

Group and/or individual power point presentation on geothermal energy and case studies of geothermal field. The evaluation criteria will be the following:

- knowledge of the fundamental of thermodynamics related to geothermal energy;

- knowledge and ability to identify and to characterize the geothermal field based on literature data or case study presented during the course units;

- knowledge and ability to integrate different and appropriate methodologies for geothermal energy prospection and usage;

- ability to communicate and present results.

Altre informazioni

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Obiettivi agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile

- European Great Deal
- Making the EU climate neutral by 2050
- Affordable and clean energy
- Climate action


Numero verde

800 904 084

Segreteria studenti


Servizio per la qualità della didattica

T. 39+ 0521 905613


Manager della didattica:
Sig.ra Gabriella Cavalli

T. +39 0521 906087

E. del manager 

Presidente del corso di studio

Prof. Alessandro Chelli


Presidente Vicaria

Prof.ssa Teresa Trua


Delegato orientamento in ingresso

Prof.ssa Luciana Mantovani

Delegato orientamento in uscita

Prof.ssa Emma Petrella