cod. 1012263

Anno accademico 2024/25
1° anno di corso - Primo semestre
Settore scientifico disciplinare
Mineralogia (GEO/06)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Tipologia attività formativa
48 ore
di attività frontali
6 crediti
sede: PARMA

Obiettivi formativi

The course aims to enhance the students knowledge and understanding on geomaterials for sustainable technologies. To be able of understanding the geomaterials function to design new materials.
The course aims to improve the communication and learning skills of the students on the field of geomaterials and sustainability subject of the course


basic knowledge of inorganic chemistry, physics and mineralogy

Contenuti dell'insegnamento

Definition of geomaterials. Nature as a proxy for sustainable materials.
Applications of natural minerals-based functional materials in advanced energy conversion/storage, such as (photo)electrochemical water splitting, batteries, thermal energy storage, and supercapacitors 
Applications of natural minerals-based functional materials in environmental remediation, such as advanced oxidation processes, adsorption, and filtration 

Programma esteso

PYROCHLORES as prototypes of materials with a wide variety of technologically important functional properties. They have the ability to incorporate REE and possess fluorescence and phosphorescence properties with potential optical applications, the presence of defects and vacations can change its conductivity, may be materials capable of incorporating nuclear waste actinides, and have interesting dielectric properties
GARNET is an important material for technical issues, e.g. the well-known yttrium aluminium garnet (YAG)-Laser, and now finds new applications, e.g. in the field of energy storage. Although the chemical composition varies considerably all garnets have the same crystal structure in common. For example, lithium oxide garnet has recently been identified as a promising material in the field of energy storage, (e.g. in lithium-ion batteries)
PEROVSKITES are characterized by a structure that when changing the chemical composition change physical properties such as ferroelectricity, magnetic properties, themoelectric property making them suitable for energy conversion applications.
SPINEL. Synthetic analogues of spinel are used in the fields of photovoltaic, piezoelectric, catalysis, batteries and thermoelectric
NANOSTRUCTURED MATERIALS. nanostructured catalytic materials based on metallic oxides (Fe, Ni, Al, Zn, Ti) for energy storage, magnetic nanostructured materials from microbial reduction of iron minerals.
Acid mine drainage (AMD) origin, prevention and remediation
BIOMINERALIZATION for environmental remediation and as resource.


articoli e lezioni del docente

Metodi didattici

lezioni frontali

Modalità verifica apprendimento

esame scritto e orale

Altre informazioni

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Obiettivi agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile



Numero verde

800 904 084

Segreteria studenti

E. []

Servizio per la qualità della didattica

T. +39 0521 905613

Presidente del corso di studio

Prof. Ludovico Cademartiri
E. []

Delegato orientamento in ingresso

Prof. Cristina Sissa
E. []

Studente Tutor

Savi Lorenzo