Immagine generica

Iscriviti a Communication engineering

Double degree with universities of Paris, Toulouse, Nice, Nantes and Grenoble

Laurea magistrale
Accesso libero con verifica requisiti
corso in Inglese
classe LM-33

Video di presentazione del corso

You can attend the presentation in the following date:

After the Open Day, the video of the presentation will be available on this page.

Perché a Parma?

The course, offered in English, prepares highly qualified professional engineers with skills on the cutting edge of the Information and Communication technology (ICT) while, at the same time, providing the needed communicative abilities in a world of global competition.

This course offers the opportunity for students to follow a study path leading to a high level of specialization, taught by professors who are widely-recognised within the international scientific community.

Students will have the chance to spend time studying, or developing their thesis, in internationally acclaimed environments.

100% of graduates, within a year of finishing their course, have found work – In fact, demand for graduates with this qualification is superior to the number of students available. Thus, finding work will not be a problem for those who successfully complete this Master’s Degree – some may even find employment before finishing their course.

Cosa imparerai

  • Detection and estimation - 9 CFU
  • Information theory - 6 CFU
  • Antennas for wireless systems - 6 CFU
  • Communication fundamentals - 9 CFU
  • Network performance - 6 CFU
  • From elective complementary courses - 12 CFU
    • Applied acoustics - 6 CFU
    • Machine learning for pattern recognition - 6 CFU
    • Deep learning and generative models - 6 CFU
    • Optical networking - 6 CFU
    • ICT for health and well-being - 6 CFU
    • Project management - 6 CFU
    • Ricerca operativa (course offered in Italian) - 9 CFU
    • High-performance computing - 6 CFU
    • Nonlinear systems - 6 CFU
    • Model identification and data analysis - 6 CFU
    • Network security - 6 CFU
  • From elective free courses - 12 CFU
    • Network information theory - 6 CFU
    • Internet of things - 6 CFU
    • 5G wireless networks - 6 CFU

  • Photonic devices - 9 CFU
  • Digital communications - 9 CFU
  • Wireless communications - 9 CFU
  • Optical communications - 9 CFU
  • Thesis and final examination - 24 CFU

Modalità di accesso

Open access

Are you a NON EU student? Find out more about application procedure here.



Dopo la laurea

There are many job opportunities for graduates, some of which will be with the most prestigious companies within the sector, some as freelance professionals, and others within Public Administrations.

This course offers the chance to be part of a key sector for the continuing development and growth of social wellbeing.

Information and Communication Technology systems are everywhere and are constantly increasing in importance in managing the growing complexities of modern life.

You can be part of the technological revolution that’s happening around us right now knowing that the developments that will solve today’s and tomorrow’s problems will be in the hands of professionals just like you.


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Ti aspettiamo al corso di Laurea magistrale Communication engineering