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Iscriviti a Dental hygiene

Laurea professioni sanitarie
Prova di ammissione a livello nazionale
corso in Inglese
classe L-SNT3

Video di presentazione del corso

Perché a Parma?

The University of Parma offers a first cycle Dental Hygiene Programme in English. The course is organized in 3 academic years,180 ECTS (equivalent to 180 CFU in accordance with Italian regulations).

The students will be exposed to the theoretical and scientific foundations of the profession and become skillful in clinical practice attending the state of art Center of Dental Medicine.

The Dental Hygiene Programme encompasses three major learning areas plus Clinical Training: Preparatory Sciences, Interdisciplinary Medical Sciences, Applied Technical Sciences.

Its aim is to promote excellence in oral health clinical practice and research, with major emphasis on digital dentistry, advanced periodontology and implant dentistry, dental sleep medicine and oral medicine, within the context of an international environment that prepares the next Dental Hygienist professionals as the provider of individual preventive oral health care, with the associated social responsibility to improve health and well-being of communities.

Practical training activities and clinical internship are performed under the guidance of professional tutors at university facilities and in compliance with EU directives.

Cosa imparerai

  • Principles of Anatomy,Chemistry and Biochemistry for Dental Hygienists - 8 CFU
  • Fundamentals of Physiology, Microbiology and Immunology for Dental Hygienists - 10 CFU
  • Communication Strategies, Leadership and Principles of Evidence Based Dental Hygiene - 8 CFU
  • Dental Hygiene Patient Assessment - 6 CFU
  • Prevention of Oral Diseases in the Community and in Clinical Practice - 8 CFU
  • Hygiene, Safety and First Aid - 8 CFU
  • Internship I - 14 CFU

  • General and Oral Pathologic Basis of Disease - 8 CFU
  • Psycho-pedagogical and Social Sciences applied to Dental and Community Hygiene - 6 CFU
  • Periodontology and Implantology I - 4 CFU
  • Research Methodology Applied to Dental Hygiene - 6 CFU
  • Orthodontics and Pedodontics - 4 CFU
  • Rehabilitation and Reconstructive Dentistry - 5 CFU
  • Gerodontology and Special Needs Patients - 9 CFU
  • Internship II - 15 CFU
  • Didactics chosen by the Student - 3 CFU

  • Preventive and Community Dentistry III - 4 CFU
  • Periodontology and Implantology II - 4 CFU
  • Health Management Sciences and Legal Medicine - 6 CFU
  • Internship III - 23 CFU
  • Other Activities - 6 CFU
  • Didactics chosen by the Student - 3 CFU
  • Professional Workshops (project) - 3 CFU
  • Thesis in English - 9 CFU

Modalità di accesso

Admission test.

Test date: September 18th, 2023.

Are you a NON EU student? Find out more about application procedure here.




Dopo la laurea

The high percentage of recent graduates entering the working world one year after graduation bears witnesses of the ease with which dental hygienists find stable employment.

Dental Hygienists have a key role as provider of individual preventive oral health care, but also can play an important part in public health and social responsibility programs to improve oral health of communities and individuals. Mainly oriented to work in private practice both as employed and self -employed, dental hygienists can find job opportunities in the national and regional health services, where  the offer varies from region to region and from nation to nation, according to single regulations. Research area and free-lance as business advisor are further employment scenario.

To continue the studies the graduate professionist  will  have the opportunity to access the advanced two years second cycle degree for health professionals ,master's degree courses in oral  health as well as advanced courses related to the profession.


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Ti aspettiamo al corso di Laurea professioni sanitarie Dental hygiene