Learning objectives
to the diagnosis and development of human resources in health organizations and diagnosis of the functioning of work groups. The student should also have developed:
1) the ability to understand the questions and challenges arising from health systems that today have to face problems related more to management and organization than clinical issues;
2) the ability to use and apply the knowledge of work and organizational psychology and human resources psychology to professional activities;
3) Knowledge and understanding skills applied to human resource diagnosis and development, tools that can be useful for health systems governance..
4) Knowledge and understanding skills applied to the functioning of work groups and managerial roles;
5) autonomy of judgment regarding the aspects examined during the course;
6) the ability to critically analyze research results in the field of work, organizational and human resources psychology.
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Course unit content
During the course the theoretical, research and intervention approaches of occupational organizational and human resources psychology applied to healthcare organization will be presented. Through the critical analysis of the study and research paradigms, the following issues will be examined: leadership, managerial role, work groups, work motivation, competencies and their assessment, performance, potential and their analysis and evaluation, organizational interventions, researches about health professional roles carried within healthcare organizations.
Full programme
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-Levati, W., Saraò, M.V. (2001). Psicologia e Sviluppo delle Risorse Umane nelle Organizzazioni. Milano: Franco Angeli.
.Sarchielli, G., Fraccaroli, F. (2010). Il legame psicologico tra individuo e lavoro. In. Sarchielli, G. e Fraccaroli, F. (1998). Introduzione alla psicologia del lavoro. Bologna: Il Mulino.
-Panari, C., Levati, W., Alfieri, E., Tonelli, M., Bonini, A., Artioli, G. (2015). La mappatura del ruolo come nuovo approccio di lettura di due professionisti ospedalieri: l’infermiere e l’operatore sociosanitario. Mecosan, 94,67-95.
Teaching methods
The course includes front lessons, group work and classroom discussions.
Assessment methods and criteria
Written test consisting of multiple choice questions with four alternative answers and one open question.
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
3. Health and wellbeing