Learning objectives
First Dublin descriptor: knowledge and understanding
At the end of the course, students must be aware of the methodology of medical history taking, and have knowledge of the main semeiological manoeuvres performed by physicians during physical examination of the main body districts. Students must also know the main signs and symptoms of disease, be able to interpret them from a pathophysiological perspective, and know their relevance from a medical and nursing perspective.
Second Dublin descriptor: applied knowledge and understanding
Students must know the most appropriate modalities of approach to patients with different types of signs and symptoms, and be able to recognize their relevance from a medical and surgical perspective.
Third Dublin descriptor: making judgements
Students must be able to effectively approach patients with different kinds of clinical complaints, signs and symptoms, and take decisions of nursing competence.
Fourth Dublin descriptor: communication skills
Students must prove to have acquired a sufficient level of mastery of specific medical jargon.
Fifth Dublin descriptor: learning skills
At the end of the course, students must prove to have acquired a method of clinical-nursing reasoning, allowing them to effectively approach even situations or clinical scenarios not met before.