cod. 05922

Academic year 2024/25
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Scienza e tecnologia dei materiali (ING-IND/22)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
72 hours
of face-to-face activities
9 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding:
At the end of the course the student will integrate his knowledge of base chemistry with the typical application of civil engineering, will have a complete overview of building materials in relation to their chemical composition, their structure and characteristics of use. He will have a basic understanding of the performance of materials and of the mix design.

Applying knowledge and understanding:
At the end of the course of study the student will develop the ability to choose the best material for the desired applications. He will be able to predict physical and chemical processing to be implemented on materials in order to modify the structure to improve its properties. He will also be able to put in place the appropriate measures to prolong the life of the material. The student will also be able to predict the controls to be carried out to verify that the materials used meet the desired characteristics.

Making judgments:
On passing the exam, the student should have developed the ability to critically evaluate the analytical data of the mechanical behavior of a material to predict the behavior in work, as well as the ability to interpret the data of the controls for acceptance of a material to be used.

Communication skills:
On passing the exam, the student should have acquired sufficient command of the language, at least as regards the technical terminology and specific chemical teaching.

Learning skills:
The final seminar activities are designed to introduce students to the latest developments in terms of research in the field of materials science applied to civil engineering: the student should have acquired the knowledge and basic skills of discipline to deal with, in the future, an independent deepening of these aspects.


General and Inorganic Chemistry, fundamentals of Organic Chemistry are required. CHEMISTRY course is propedeutical.

Course unit content

Introduction to Materials Science.
Structure of the matter.
State diagrams.
Solid state transformations.
Main properties of materials.
Materials types: metals, polymers, composites, binder materials, cement conglomerates, glasses, ceramics, wood bitumen and asphalt.

Full programme

INTRODUCTION to Material Science.
Crystal structures. Crystal defects: defects and solid solutions. The characteristic of the amorphous state and its formation. Materials microstructure.
Two component phase diagrams. Phase diagrams with complete solubility at the solid state, with partial solubility at the solid state (eutectic, peritectic). Compounds with congruent and incongruent melting. The Fe-C diagram.
Atomic diffusion in solids.
Mechanical properties. Thermal properties. Chemical properties of materials.
Iron alloys: steel (carbon, stainless), cast iron. Copper alloys. Aluminum alloys.
Polymer and composites.
Burnt and hydrated lime; plaster of paris. Hydraulic lime. Portland cement. Manufacture and hydration processes. Types of Portland cement.
Fine and coarse aggregates. Cement mortar and concrete. Admixture for concrete. Mix-design of concrete. Concrete degradation.
Ceramic materials for buildings (bricks, gres, porcelain).
Numerical examples will be carried out covering the different topics studied.


Recommended books:
W. D. Callister, D. G. Rethwisch, “Materiali per l’Ingegneria Civile ed Industriale”, Ed. EDISES.

Teaching methods

Teaching will involve:
(i) Classroom lectures making use of the projection of transparencies; teaching materials will be provided on the "Elly" platform (;
(ii) In-class numerical examples with emphasis on mechanical and thermal properties of materials, mix design and state diagrams.
(iii) Educational visits and/or seminars.

Assessment methods and criteria

Assessment of learning will be by a written test consisting of six questions and two numerical exercises. The oral exam is compulsory for those who achieve a grade between 18/30 and 21/30 on the written exam, while it will be optional for those who achieve a grade of at least 22/30. It will consist of two questions related to the teaching program, the answers to which may confirm, improve or worsen the written exam grade.
The “cum laude” is awarded in the case of achieving the highest score on each question to which mastery of disciplinary vocabulary is added.

Other information

It's strongly advised to attend the course.