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Apply for Language sciences and cultural studies for special needs

Second cycle degree course
Open access with verification of requirements
course in English
class LM-39
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Course presentation - video

Why in Parma?

This is a two-year Master’s Degree in Linguistics (LM39-Linguistica), taught in English and designed for candidates with an academic background in humanities, languages and linguistics. It aims to develop advanced skills in the following areas:

  • Foreign languages, particularly English and another language (French, German, Russian, Spanish or Italian as an L2).
  • Educational linguistics, with an emphasis on inclusive language education of learners with disorders affecting language learning and communication.
  • Multimedia accessibility, with a special focus on teaching practices, text adaptation, audio description and subtitling for deaf and hard of hearing audiences.
  • Cultural Studies, particularly in foreign culture and literature, and intercultural studies.

The teaching methods are based on interaction, active participation, discussion and include project work, oral presentations and essays. This degree is delivered in a blended mode. This means that, although in-person attendance is strongly recommended and exams are to be taken in person:

  • The lessons of our main subjects are recorded.
  • Additional material is offered on our Moodle platform.
  • Core subjects also include multimedia lessons designed with advanced distance learning tools (interactive work, self-assessments and selfstudy tests, etc.).
  • Professors may organize specific learning activities for students who cannot attend the classes in person.

All our students will attend a group of core subjects related to language acquisition and inclusive language education, and are also offered two alternatives:

  • The Second Language Programme, which provides advanced competences in a second European language, and its related literature and linguistics (French, German, Russian, Spanish).
  • The Italian as an L2 Programme, which provides advanced competences in Italian Studies (and for foreign students also Italian as an L2).

What you will learn

Core subjects 

  • Academic writing - 3 CFU
  • Soft skills for language learners and teachers - 3 CFU
  • Cognitive linguistics - 6 CFU
  • Language learning, teaching and assessment - 6 CFU 
  • Language education for special needs - 6 CFU
  • Neuroscience and language - 6 CFU
  • English language and literature - 12 CFU 

 Second language programme 

  • A second language to be chosen among: 
    • Langue française - 12 CFU
    • Lengua española -12 CFU
    • Deutsche sprache - 12 CFU
    • Russkij jazyk - 12 CFU

 Italian as a foreign language programme 

  • A unit to be chosen among:
    • Lingua italiana per stranieri - 12 CFU
    • Linguistica italiana e didattica della lingua - 12 CFU
    • Letteratura italiana contemporanea e teoria della letteratura - 12 CFU

Core subjects 

  • English language and linguistics - 12 CFU
  • A unit to be chosen among:
    • Clinical linguistics - 6 CFU
    • Instructional design for language teaching and learning - 6 CFU
    • Intercultural communication - 6 CFU
    • Special needs education - 6 CFU

Second language programme 

  • Langue française et littérature - 12 CFU
  • Lengua española y literatura - 12 CFU
  • Deutsche sprache und literatur - 12 CFU
  • Russkij jazyk i russkaja literatura - 12 CFU

Italian as a foreign language programme

  • Two units to be chosen among:
    • Linguistica generale - 6 CFU
    • Didattica della letteratura italiana - 6 CFU 
    • Geografia - 6 CFU 
  • Optative courses
    • One or more units to be chosen among all those offered: - 12 CFU 
  • Internship programme
    • Internship - 6 CFU 
  • Final dissertation
    • Research methodology - 2 CFU
    • Dissertation - 16 CFU


Not mandatory.

After graduation

Our graduates will develop advanced competences in four key-areas: foreign languages, Educational Linguistics, multimedia accessibility and Cultural Studies. These competences make up an original and innovative professional profile which responds to the needs of the current labour market in several areas.

They may find employment in sectors undergoing deep changes such as those concerning the inclusion of people with special needs in the field of education and the adoption of non-traditional teaching methodologies and environments, as well as in the field of text accessibility in traditional and digital publishing companies.

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We are waiting for you at Second cycle degree course Language sciences and cultural studies for special needs