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Apply for Food sciences for innovation and authenticity

Joint degree with Libera Università di Bolzano and Università di Udine (Headquarter: Libera Università di Bolzano)

Second cycle degree course
Access by qualifications
course in English
class LM-70
enroll now

Course presentation - video

Why in Parma?

If you are looking for a Second Cycle Degree Course that will form you as a highly skilled professional in the food sciences domain, nothing better than a truly international course, fully taught in English and supported by a network of reputed Higher Education Institutions and food companies.

With this course you will be able to cope with the emerging challenges of the food system linked to demography, environmental changes, globalization, new science and technology advances to be able both to innovate and ensure the quality of the Italian and European food excellences. Indeed, the Parma District has a special reputation in the international food system.

The number of food specialties registered as protected designation of origin (PDO), protected geographical indication (PGI) and traditional specialties guaranteed (TSG) produced in the Parma District are among the highest contributor to the Italian export of traditional foods. At the same time, many big players and SMEs of the food industry have corporate headquarters, research & development branches and production plants in the Parma Area.

The Course is offered by tree joint Italian institutions in cooperation with the University College Cork (Ireland) and the Technical University of Munich (Germany).

What you will learn


During the 1st year all lectures and seminars will take place at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (Italy). At the beginning of the 2nd year students will be free to choose one among the five profiles offered by the partner universities:

  • “Applied Engineering and Genetics” offered at UNIBZ;
  • “Food Quality Control and Management” offered at UNIUD;
  • “Nutrition Sciences” offered at UNIPR;
  • “Protein and Lipids in Food System” offered at UCC - 5 positions;
  • "Mobility Activity” offered at TUM -16 positions.

Courses will be taught during the 1st semester of the 2nd year at the University of Bozen-Bolzano, University of Parma, University of Udine, Technical University of Munich, University College Cork according to the profile chosen.

The 2nd semester of the 2nd year will be fully dedicated to the thesis work, under the joint supervision between Universities and food companies. Thesis projects could be supervised, in cooperation with the participating Universities, by the following partner companies:

  • Unternehmenverband Südtirol – Assoimprenditori Alto Adige Sezione Alimentari;
  • Südtiroler Bauernbund - Unione Agricoltori e Coltivatori Diretti Sudtirolesi;
  • Assolatte;
  • Barilla;
  • Consorzio Gorgonzola;
  • Consorzio Grana Padano;
  • Consorzio Parmigiano Reggiano;
  • Consorzio Prosciutto di S. Daniele;
  • Consorzio Montasio;
  • Despar;
  • Dr. Schär;
  • Forst;
  • Loacker;
  • Mila;
  • Pan;
  • Unione Parmense degli Industriali;
  • Zuegg.

The degree qualification is successfully gained after the elaboration and defence of an original thesis work, which can be performed at either University.

  • Innovation and authenticity in food processing - 12 CFU
    • Evaluation of food quality and authenticity - 6 CFU
    • Innovation and authenticity for winery products - 6 CFU
  • Fermentations as tools for making traditional and innovative foods and beverages - 8 CFU
  • Environmental chemistry towards food processing - 8 CFU
  • Food value chain management - 6 CFU
  • Reaction kinetics in food processing - 8 CFU
  • Novel foods - 6 CFU
  • Starter and functional microbes for innovation, authenticity and healthy status - 12 CFU
    • The natural microbial starters for innovation and authenticity - 6 CFU
    • The food - human axis - 6 CFU

Path “Applied Engineering and Genetics” (offered at UNIBZ)

  • Innovative food processing technologies - 6 CFU
  • Food processing equipment - 6 CFU
  • Sensors and biosensors for food processing - 6 CFU
  • Free choices - 8 CFU

Path “Food Quality Control and Management” (offered at UNIUD)

  • Sample preparation techniques and analysis of contaminants - 6 CFU
  • Quality system development and management and shelf life assessment of food - 6 CFU
  • Food structure control and management - 6 CFU
  • Free choices - 8 CFU

Path “Nutrition Sciences” (offered at UNIPR)

  • Human nutrition - 6 CFU
  • Applied human nutrition - 6 CFU
  • Industrial microbiology for food quality improvement - 6 CFU
  • Free choices - 8 CFU

Path “Protein and Lipids in Food System” (offered at UCC)

  • Introduction to packaging technology - 5 CFU
  • Packaging technology-mechanical processes - 5 CFU
  • Yeast and beer - 5 CFU

Erasmus program with Wageningen University and University of München


  • Thesis - 33 CFU


Not mandatory.

After graduation

Graduate skills will cover a wide range of high-qualified positions in the food industries and above all in:  

  • Management of food processes through the food supply chain, from production to storage and distribution of products
  • Research and development  
  • Management of food quality processes  
  • Design and development of innovative processes and products  
  • Certification and authentication of processes and products  
  • Development and use of traditional and innovative methods to guarantee the authentication of traditional/typical processes and products.  
  • Besides these positions in food industries, graduate skills will allow:  
  • Management in large-scale retail trade  
  • Research activity in public and private research centers  
  • Education in institutions, professional bodies and all those fields where the profession is practiced  
  • Management in public administrations where high educational skills are required.

A professional practice exam called “esame di stato” in Italy must be passed to enroll in the Food Technologists professional register.

Contact us

Contact the course faculty advisor

Every degree course has one or more professors who can provide information and help future students clarifying their doubts about attending the course.

Prof. Matteo Mario Scampicchio

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We are waiting for you at Second cycle degree course Food sciences for innovation and authenticity