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Apply for Electronic engineering for intelligent vehicles

Joint degree with Università di Bologna,  Università di Ferrara, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia (headquarter: Università di Parma).

Second cycle degree course
Admission test
course in English
class LM-29
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Course presentation - video

Why in Parma?

The ubiquity of Electronic and Information Technology in today’s and tomorrow’s vehicles is a mandatory requirement for achieving safer, greener, and more enjoyable drive. This calls for up-to-date professionals devoted to the development, design, and integration of Electronic and Information Technology subsystems into new generation vehicles.

The aim of the Inter-University Master’s Degree in Electronic Engineering for Intelligent Vehicles (EEIV) of the Motor Vehicle University of Emilia Romagna (MUNER) is to train engineers capable of operating in this challenging and exciting field, with specific focus on the understanding of the main Electronic and Communication Systems as well as Autonomous Driving applications.

The Electronic Engineering for Intelligent Vehicles course, entirely taught in English and designed in strong cooperation with MUNER companies operating in the automotive sector, is organized in two curricula, each one of which open to 25 students: Electronic and Communication Systems (ECS) and Autonomous Driving Engineering (ADE).

The syllabus has been designed in strong cooperation with MUNER Companies operating in the automotive sector to allow seamless insertion of the EEIV graduate in high-profile roles in the research, development, and manufacturing environments focused on vehicles and automotive technologies.

What you will learn

Common for ECS (Electronic and Communication Systems) and ADE (Autonomous Driving Engineering) - Taught in Bologna

Mandatory  24 CFU

  • Advanced automotive sensors - 6 CFU
  • Hardware-software design of embedded systems I.C. - 12 CFU
  • Automatic control - 6 CFU

Guided choice elective courses - 12 CFU

  • Power electronics for automotive - 6 CFU
  • Test, Diagnosis and Reliability - 6 CFU
  • Statistical signal processing - 6 CFU

ECS curriculum (Taught in Bologna)

Mandatory - 15 CFU

  • Signals and systems for vehicular communications - 6 CFU
  • Wired and wireless interconnections - 9 CFU

Guided choice elective courses - 6 CFU

  • Dynamics and compliant design of road vehicles - 6 CFU
  • Deep learning for engineering applications - 6 CFU

Guided choice elective courses - 3 CFU

  • Ground vehicle dynamics - 3 CFU
  • Connected vehicles - 3 CFU

ADE curriculum (Taught in Bologna)

Mandatory - 21 CFU

  • Image processing and Computer vision - 6 CFU
  • Vehicular radio propagation - 9 CFU
  • Deep learning for engineering applications - 6 CFU

ECS curriculum (Taught in Modena)

Mandatory - 12 CFU

  • Applied topics in automotive electronics - 12 CFU

Guided choice elective courses - 12 CFU

  • Artificial intelligence for automotive - 6 CFU
  • Automotive connectivity - 6 CFU
  • Automotive cyber security - 6 CFU
  • Industrial co-teaching - 6 CFU
  • Modeling and control of electromechanical systems - 6 CFU
  • Platforms and algorithms for autonomous driving - 6 CFU

ADE curriculum (Taught in Parma)

Mandatory - 15 CFU

  • Electronics and lighting technologies for automotive - 12 CFU
  • Computer engineering laboratory - 3 CFU

Guided choice elective courses - 12 CFU

  • 3D Perception, Learning-based data fusion - 6 CFU
  • Autonomous driving and ADAS technologies - 6 CFU
  • Path and trajectory planning - 6 CFU
  • Vehicular communications - 6 CFU
  • Virtual systems and Human machine interface - 6 CFU
  • Visual perception for self-driving cars - 6 CFU

Common for ECS and ADE

  • Free choice courses - 12 CFU
  • Final examination with optional internship - 24 CFU


Attendance for laboratory activities is compulsory for 70% of the hours.

After graduation

The Graduate in Electronic Engineering for Intelligent Vehicles will have a multidisciplinary training allowing to understand, propose and adapt what is developed in the flourishing field of Information and Communication Technologies, playing a key role in the innovation of the automotive sector, the future evolution of which will increasingly depend on these technologies.

Based also on the chosen curriculum the Graduate will: Electronic and Communication System (ECS): understand the operating principles and design constrains of the fundamental electronic and communication devices and subsystems as well as how they can be controlled and securely connected with each other and the surrounding environment in automotive and motorbike applications. Autonomous Driving Engineering (ADE): be able to deal with concepts, methods and architectures used to enable advanced driver assistance systems up to fully autonomous driving.

They will be able to participate in concept development, design requirements, and operating strategies to provide for vehicle functionality and end-user safety, and intelligent transportation systems based on perception devices, intelligent algorithms and methods, and planning and control strategies.

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We are waiting for you at Second cycle degree course Electronic engineering for intelligent vehicles