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Apply for Advanced automotive engineering

Joint degree with Università di Bologna, Università di Ferrara and Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia (Headquarter: Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia)

Second cycle degree course
Admission test
course in English
class LM-33
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Course presentation - video

Why in Parma?

This master's degree course in Advanced Automotive Engineering aims to offer all the skills needed to design and develop high performance cars and motorcycles. It’s promoted by MUNER (Motorvehicle University of Emilia-Romagna), an association founded by the Emilia Romagna Region and through collaboration between the universities in the area, including the University of Parma, and some of the most prestigious Italian companies in the sector such as Lamborghini, Dallara, Ducati, Ferrari, Haas F1 team, HPE Coxa, Marelli, Maserati, Alpha Tauri and Pagani.

This master's degree course in AAE, offered exclusively in English, is made up of 6 different syllabuses with 25 places available for each one: Advanced Powertrain, High Performance Car Design, Advanced Motorcycle Engineering, Advanced Sportscar Manufacturing, Off-Highway Vehicle Engineering, Racing Car Design (first year in Modena and second year at Dallara Academy, Varano de Melegari (PR)).

What you will learn

First semester

Shared programme - Modena

  • Manufacturing and assembly technologies/science and technology of metallic and composite materials - 12 CFU
  • Mechanical vibrations - 6 CFU
  • Vehicle conceptual design - 6 CFU
  • Electronic systems - 6 CFU

Second semester

Advanced Powertrain - Modena

  • Internal Combustion Engines and Engine Components Design and Manufacturing - 12 CFU
  • Electric Drives and Electric Propulsion Systems - 12 CFU
  • Mechanical Transmissions - 6 CFU

Advanced Powertrain - Bologna

  • Powertrain Design and Manufacturing and Internal Combustion Engines - 12 CFU
  • Automatic Controls - 6 CFU
  • Electric Drives and Electric Propulsion Systems - 12 CFU
  • High Performance Car Design CFD Fundamentals and Aerodynamics - 9 CFU
  • FEM Fundamentals and Chassis Design - 9 CFU
  • Vehicle Dynamics - 12 CFU
  • Automotive Computer Aided Design CAD - 6 CFU

Racing Car Design

  • CFD Fundamentals and Aerodynamics - 9 CFU
  • FEM Fundamentals and Chassis Design - 9 CFU
  • Vehicle Dynamics - 12 CFU
  • Automotive Computer Aided Design CAD - 6 CFU

Advanced Motorcycle Engineering

  • Powertrain Design and Manufacturing and Internal Combustion Engines - 12 CFU
  • Automatic Controls - 6 CFU
  • Electric Drives - 6 CFU
  • Advanced Sportscar Manufacturing Powertrain Design and Manufacturing and Internal Combustion Engines - 12 CFU
  • Automatic Controls - 6 CFU
  • Electric Drives - 6 CFU

Off-Highway Vehicle Engineering

  • Fluid Power Actuation - 6 CFU
  • Power Transmission and Terramechanics for Off Highway Vehicles - 12 CFU
  • Electric Drives and Electric Propulsion Systems - 12 CFU

Advanced Powertrain - Modena

  • Design and Modelling of High Performance Propulsion Systems - 12 CFU
  • Automatic Controls - 6 CFU
  • Electromechanical Energy Storage and Conversion - 6 CFU

Advanced Powertrain - Bologna

  • Modeling and Control of Internal Combustion Engines and Hybrid Propulsion Systems and Advanced Propulsion Systems - 12 CFU
  • Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion - 6 CFU
  • Powertrain Testing, Calibration and Homologation - 6 CFU

High Performance Car Design

  • Vehicle NVH Testing - 6 CFU
  • Automatic Controls (6 CFU
  • Automotive Fluid Power Systems - 6 CFU
  • Racing Car Design Chassis and Body Design - 6 CFU
  • Dynamic and Testing of Vehicles - 6 CFU
  • Design of Racing Car Composite Structures - 6 CFU

Advanced Motorcycle Engineering

  • Modeling and Control of Internal Combustion Engines and Hybrid Propulsion Systems - 6 CFU
  • Motorcycle Vehicle Dynamics - 6 CFU
  • Chassis and Body Design and Manufacturing and Vehicle virtual design - 12 CFU
  • Powertrain Testing and Calibration and Homologation - 6 CFU
  • Advanced Sportscar Manufacturing Industrial Plants Design - 6 CFU
  • Industrial Robotics - 6 CFU
  • Big Data Analytics for Automotive Manufacturing Applications - 6 CFU
  • Operations & Supply Chain Design and Management and Automotive Manufacturing and Assembly Systems  -12 CFU

Off-Highway Vehicle Engineering

  • Off-Highway Vehicle Dynamics - 6 CFU
  • Control and Testing of Off-Highway Powertrains - 6 CFU
  • Precision Farming Machinery - 6 CFU
  • Computer Aided Design and Product Lifecycle Management - 6 CFU

For everyone

  • Elective free courses - 12 CFU
  • Thesis - 12 CFU
  • Stage / Laboratory - 12 CFU


Not mandatory.

After graduation

The Advanced Automotive Engineering graduate is a professional with the know-how for the industrial aspects of the business and, through their global vision of the various systems within the vehicle, can design, develop and produce the main subsystems for road vehicles, both automobiles and motorcycles with particular attention being paid to luxury and competition vehicles. Depending on the syllabus followed, the professional profile of the Advanced Automotive Engineer is specialized in:

  • Advanced Powertrain: Focused on the design and engineering of propulsion systems, both innovative and traditional, particular attention being paid to optimization, control and resolving issues regarding the environment and energy.
  • High Performance car Design: Starting from an in-depth understanding of the fundamentals, the focus is on the development of vehicle systems and the design of all the main “cold” systems and sub-systems for high performance road vehicles.
  • Racing Car Design: Focused on setting up the vehicle systems and designing all the “cold” systems and subsystems for competition vehicles. It is characterized by the particular emphasis on aerodynamic aspects, the use of light materials (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Materials) and the skills needed to experiment and invent tomorrow’s technologies.
  • Advanced Motorcycle Engineering: Focused on the design and development of high-tech motorcycles, both for the competition and production markets, managing typical Electronic Engineering and Industrial Design issues in the motorcycle sector.
  • Advanced Sportscar Manufacturing: Focused on planning, developing, controlling and managing processes and production systems in the automobile sector with particular emphasis on the use of cutting-edge digital technologies.
  • Off-Highway Vehicle Engineering: is aimed at training professionals capable of designing high technology off-highway vehicles and strong skills in computer aided design, off-highway propulsion machinery and vehicles, ground interaction, electric drives, fluid power actuation, vehicle dynamics, off-highway control and testing, precision farming machinery.

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