Historical and Textual Sciences (administrative hup Parma)

Postgraduate type
Academic year
a.a. 2024/2025 - inizio corsi 01/11/2024
3 years
In summary
Opening of applications
Closing of applications
Application calls and forms
Further information
Access requirements

The Access to doctoral positions is through public selection. All the information and requirements are contained in the relative call for admission.

All information and requirements for admission to the XL cycle – a.y. 2024/2025 – start of courses 01/11/2024 are published on the web page of the PhD – Phd Enrollment.

Research topics

• ITALIAN STUDIES The curriculum aims at developing specialistic formations in a wide historical and methodological spectrum, in a variety of disciplines, comprising romance philology to the history and hermeneutics of medieval, modern, and contemporary literature; philology of Italian Literature and linguistics and History of Italian language; the relationship between publishing and literature; literary theory and comparative literature. The curriculum aims at forming researchers who are at ease with both linguistic and philological notions and theoretical ones. They will be able to create critical and annotated editions of texts belonging to the romance or Italian tradition, as well as to innovative analyses in the fields of literary history, educative linguistics, didactics of language and literature, cultural and thematic studies. 
• FOREIGN LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES The curriculum revolves around the study of foreign languages and literatures (English, French, Spanish, German, Russian, Portuguese, Chinese) as well as on their postcolonial expressions. The constant search for original and innovative trajectories favors the connection with most recent theories and methodologies of linguistic disciplines (translation, discourse analysis, corpora studies, lexicography), as well as the theoretical and historical critical analysis of different literary and cultural expression, from Early Modern to the Contemporary Age. 
• CLASSICAL STUDIES The curriculum aims at expanding, in the enrolled students, knowledge and competences about classical studies, and especially in the fields of linguistics, classical philology and literature, archaeology, Medieval and Humanistic tradition of Greek and Latin language and culture. Students will be brought to create a critical edition, a commentary, or an essay, concerning texts written in Greek or Latin, or the edition of archaeological sources or contexts, considering the entire timeframe of their tradition, or prolonged life. 
• HISTORICAL SCIENCES The curriculum aims at forming young scholars in the critical analysis of the past, from Antiquity to Contemporary age, with a specific focus on socio-economic, institutional-juridical, political-religious, and cultural dimensions of human communities. The curriculum will also involve the history of historiography, intellectual history, the history of political thought, historical geography, and economic history. In this light, the curriculum will promote research paths based on most recent theoretical-disciplinary methods, that will allow students to confront themselves with sources, as well as reconstructing the contexts, as well as classic interpretations and traditions, fostering an original research project, as well as the capacity to look at and reproduce the complexity of the past. In terms of formation, students will acquire solid critical methodologies, among which the capacity to establish a dialogue with archival disciplines, social sciences, and Digital Humanities.


Prof. Giulio Iacoli

T. 0521 032328 E. giulio.iacoli@unipr.it