Management of Local Auhorities

Postgraduate type
Professional Master Programme
Academic year
1 year
Second level
In summary
Opening of applications
Closing of applications
University of Parma, Department of Economics and management
Application calls and forms
ECTS credits
€ 3.516,00
Access requirements

a) all second-level degree classes (referred to in D.M. No. 509/99 and D.M. No. 270/04);

b) degree obtained according to the pre-reform regulations D.M. n. 509/99;

c) qualification issued abroad, recognised as eligible according to the regulations in force by the Executive Committee for the sole purpose of registration for the course.

Contact for educational information

Marco Ferretti - - 0521.032334

Alessandra Lorenzano - - 0521.207525

Beginning of teaching activities
March 2025
Methods of implementation
The lessons related to the lessons will be delivered online. Meetings may be scheduled in presence also accessible remotely in synchronous mode.
Educational content

The Master is organized in 4 training modules:

The first module "Personnel and Organization of Services"

The second module "Planning, Control and Budget in Local Authorities"

The third module "European Funding and Smart Cities"

The fourth module "Elements of law in local authorities"

Admission procedure

selection test for qualifications and exams (interview).

There will be a reduction in contributions, if paid by external bodies (both public and private) that pay in the name and on behalf of their employees; in particular:
1) in the case of two participants from the same institution, a reduction of 15% is foreseen for both participants in the total contribution;
2) where there are 3 or more participants from the same institution, a reduction of 20% of the total contribution is foreseen for each participant.



Minimum number of enrollments
Maximum number of enrollments
Professional profile

The Master is dedicated to the professionals of the Local Authorities (Employees, Officials, Organizational Positions and Managers), determined to enrich their profile without interrupting their work, at the same time developing training credits useful to improve the organization’s classification.

Graduates who intend to pursue a career within the Local Authorities, as collaborators, consultants and employees. The Master in "Management of Local Authorities" is an advanced training course during which the participant will acquire managerial skills and specific skills that will allow him to assume a managerial role, intermediate or top level, local authorities or other organisations working closely with local authorities. The Master is aimed at those who want to deepen and systematize the issues of organization and management of local government services to offer the labour market a set of transversal skills capable of coordinating services and managing complex activities.