Family and community nursing and integrated care for common health

Postgraduate type
Professional Master Programme
Academic year
1 year
First level
In summary
Opening of applications
Closing of applications
University of Parma Department of Medicine and Surgery
Application calls and forms
ECTS credits
€ 2.516,00
Access requirements

Class of degrees in nursing health professions and obstetric health profession (D. M 2 April 2001); Class of degrees in technical health professions, rehabilitation and prevention;

Diplomas obtained according to the previous legislation of the members of the health professions referred to in DM 509/99 and referred to in Laws 26 February 1999 n. 42 and 10 August 2000 n. 251, considered valid, pursuant to art. 10 of the Law of January 8, 2002 n 1, for access to Master’s and other Courses activated by the University, provided they hold the Diploma of Five-Year Maturity obtained in Italy or, by title obtained abroad, after at least 12 years of schooling.

Contact for educational information
Beginning of teaching activities
March 2024
Methods of implementation
The lessons related to the lessons will be delivered online (synchronous). Meetings may be scheduled in presence also accessible remotely in synchronous mode.
Educational content

The family and community nurse can manage the nursing processes in the family and community of reference and operates in collaboration with the general practitioner and the pediatrician of free choice, community doctor and multiprofessional team to help individuals and families find solutions to their health needs and manage chronic diseases and disabilities.

Admission procedure

Chronological order.

According to the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Public Administration and the University of Parma for the strengthening of the knowledge and skills of staff in public administration, may be admitted to the Master n.5 candidates in service at the PA with a reduced registration fee, equal to € 1,766.00 (including € 16 per virtual stamp), instead of € 2,516.00 (equal to a reduction of 30% calculated on the student contribution rate).

The candidate concerned, during the registration for the online competition at the Master, must attach in the computer procedure, in addition to the documents provided, also:

the self-declaration of being a public servant for a fixed or indefinite time downloadable at the link

The first n.5 candidates in chronological order, in service at the PA in possession of the required requirements, which will have loaded the self-declaration indicated above, will benefit from the PA110 facility and praise equal to 30% reduction in the registration fee.



Minimum number of enrollments
Maximum number of enrollments
Professional profile

The family nurse manages the care and organizational processes in the family, territory and community of reference and works in collaboration with the general practitioner and the pediatrician of free choice, community doctor and multiprofessional team to help individuals and families find solutions to their health needs and manage chronic diseases and disabilities.

The profile will be involved in the areas of primary care including home care, general medical care, paediatric and counselling, specialist outpatient care, services for the elderly and adult disabled, They are already integrated into health homes, community medicine, community hospitals, and complex structures that seek to provide integrated care to the complex needs of users, families, and the community.