Animal Health Livestock Breeding and Production

Postgraduate type
Specialisation schools
Academic year
3 years
In summary
Opening of applications
Closing of applications
Parma administrative headquarters
Application calls and forms
Access requirements
  • Those who hold a degree in Veterinary Medicine (class 47/S - Single-cycle degree in Veterinary Medicine or system prior to Ministerial Decree 509/99 - Degree in Veterinary Medicine) and who have obtained a Habilitation to Practice may participate in the competition. The requirement of qualification for the practice of the profession must be met, under penalty of exclusion, by the date scheduled for registration.
  • Over the three-year course, the School will consist of 180 CFUs of which not less than 70 percent will be practical teaching activities (ADP).
  • Those who have passed the final examination will be awarded the Diploma of Specialist in Animal Health, Livestock and Livestock Production

Prof.ssa Clotilde Silvia Cabassi
Notices: Administrative information can be obtained from the Graduate School Service Office.

  • The Specialist in Animal Health, Breeding and Livestock Production must acquire knowledge of shelter structure, nutrition, reproduction, welfare and ethology of domestic animals. He/she must also have knowledge of basic information technology for herd management from both economic and health perspectives. He or she must delve into aspects concerning the pathology, diagnosis and prophylaxis of infectious and infectious diseases with special attention to notions inherent in the prevention of health risks from diseases transmissible to humans. Finally, legal and economic notions are required.