Microbiology and virology - NON MEDICAL LAUREATES

Postgraduate type
Specialisation schools
Academic year
4 years
Sanitaria non medica
In summary
Opening of applications
Closing of applications
Parma administrative headquarters
Application calls and forms
Access requirements
  • Admission to the Graduate School of Microbiology and Virology with access to those who hold a Bachelor's degree in: Biology (class LM-6); Veterinary Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology (class LM-9); Industrial Biotechnology (class LM8); Agricultural and Food Biotechnology (class LM7), Master's Degree corresponding to those listed above, four-year V.O. Degree equivalent to those listed above in accordance with D.I. 5.5.2004 and D.I. 9.7.2009. Applicants must also possess the relevant license to practice by the date of registration. Graduates who have not yet obtained the aforementioned qualification may participate "under condition" in the admission tests, with the obligation to pass the state exam by the date of registration.
  • Also admitted to the competition for admission to the School are those who hold a degree and professional qualification, obtained from foreign universities and deemed equivalent for the sole purpose of admission to the School, and who have obtained recognition of the qualifications for the purpose of practicing the profession
  • Enrollment in the School of Specialization is incompatible with concurrent enrollment in Degree Courses (pre-Ministerial Decree 509/1999), Bachelor's Degree and Master's/Master's Degree, PhD Courses, School of Specialization, University Master's Degree.
  • The Order of Studies is regulated by D.I. 716/2016. The duration of the Course of Studies is 4 academic years that cannot be shortened and provides for the total acquisition of 240 CFU.
  • Those who have passed the final examination will be awarded the Diploma of Specialization in Microbiology and Virology.

Prof.ssa Flora De Conto
E.:  flora.deconto@unipr.it
Notices: Administrative information can be obtained from the Graduate School Service Office.
E.: specializzazioni@unipr.it

  • The School aims to train specialists who have acquired theoretical, scientific and professional knowledge in the field of bacteriology, virology, mycology and medical parasitology; shall have acquired specific skills on the morphology, physiology, taxonomic and genetic position of microorganisms, viruses and parasites, as well as on the cellular and molecular basis of pathogenicity of microorganisms, viruses and parasites, microorganism-host interactions, the mechanism of action of the main classes of antimicrobial, antiviral and antiparasitic drugs, and the biotechnological applications of microorganisms of viruses and parasites; should have achieved the professional ability 2 to evaluate the diagnostic-clinical aspects of bacteriological, virological, mycological and parasitological analyses applied to human pathology.