Hospital Pharmacy

Postgraduate type
Specialisation schools
Academic year
4 years
Medico sanitaria
In summary
Opening of applications
Closing of applications
Parma administrative headquarters
Application calls and forms
Access requirements
  • Incompatibility with other courses: Enrollment in a school of specialization in the health care area with access for physicians is incompatible with enrollment in any other university course of any kind with the exception of the provisions of Law No. 33/2022 and subsequent implementing provisions regarding concurrent enrollment in two courses of study and Article 4, paragraph 6-bis, of Law No. 210/1998 and subsequent implementing provisions regarding joint attendance of the course of specialization in the health care area with access for physicians and the PhD course. It is also incompatible with enrollment in a health area specialization school with access for physicians to enroll in the Specific Training Course in General Medicine held at the regions.
  • Requirements and Qualifications for Admission: Admission to the School is reserved, without age or citizenship limitations, to those who hold, at the closing date of this call for applications, a master's degree in Pharmacy and Industrial Pharmacy (Class 14/S), graduates in the master's degree class in Pharmacy and Industrial Pharmacy (Class LM13) or those who hold a degree obtained according to the regulations prior to Ministerial Decree October 22, 2004 - No. 270, in Pharmacy or Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology. For enrollment in the School, in addition to the possession of the degree, the diploma of qualification to practice as a pharmacist is required; graduates who have not yet obtained the aforementioned qualification may participate "under condition" in the admission tests, with the obligation to pass the state exam by the date of enrollment.
  • Admission Methods: The admission competition is by qualifications and examinations,
  • Assessable qualifications: For the present a.a., reference should be made to the relevant admission notice.
  • For enrollment in the School, in addition to the possession of the degree, the diploma of qualification to practice as a pharmacist is required; graduates who have not yet obtained the aforementioned qualification may participate "under condition" in the admission tests, with the obligation to pass the state exam by the date of enrollment.
  • Referring Structure: Department of Food and Drug Sciences
  • Job Profile: Specialist in Hospital Pharmacy
  • Places and grants: The number of places is indicated in the announcement of admission
  • THE SCHOOL: The School of Specialization in Hospital Pharmacy (Ministerial Decree Aug. 1, 2005-G.U. No. 258, 5.11.2005-Supp. Ordinary No. 176 and Ministerial Decree July 31, 2006-G.U. of 19.12.2006-General Series No. 244) grants the title of "Specialist in Hospital Pharmacy." The School is aimed at graduates in Pharmacy and in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology in possession of the Diploma of qualification to the profession of pharmacist and is designed to ensure that graduates in pharmaceutical disciplines have professional training useful for the performance of the profession within the hospital and territorial pharmaceutical structures of the National Health Service. Specific areas of expertise are the management of drugs and medical devices, production of drugs including experimental drugs, drug information and documentation, supervision of health care products, and supervision of pharmaceutical practice. The organization of the studies is regulated by D.I. 68/2015.

Prof.ssa Elisabetta Barocelli
Notices: Administrative information can be obtained from the Graduate School Service Office.

  • Training credits: To obtain the title of specialist, the trainee specialist must acquire 240 total CFUs.
  • Mandatory Attendance: Attendance is mandatory.
  • Final Examination: To obtain the specialist degree, the trainee, after completing and passing the final year's examination, must take the final examination, which consists of the discussion of the specialist thesis. The trainee proposes the topic of the thesis in a disciplinary scientific field from among those provided for in the Didactic Regulations of the School of Specialization, consistent with the educational objectives of the School, under the guidance of a supervisor. The Commission's evaluation is expressed in fifty-fifths. The test is considered passed with a minimum grade of 30/50. In the case of a maximum grade, the Commission may grant honors upon unanimous decision.