Learning objectives
Learn the basic concepts of transcendental philosophy and particularly the thought of Kant and Fichte, such as those of: reflective judgment, imagination, reason Human Nature, Primacy of the Practical, Idealism/Realism.
A good knowledge of the history of modern philosophy from Descarte to Kant
Course unit content
The course will present Kant's Transcendental Philosophy, with special emphasis on the Critique of Judgment and its reception in the post-Kantian debate, particularly in relation to J.G. Fichte. It will highlight how this Kantian work represents the fundamental point of access to the Fichtian System, beginning with the commentary he drafted of the paragraphs of the Introduction
Full programme
Parte Monografica:
Immanuel Kant, Critica del Giudizio, (varie edizioni)
Immanuel Kant, Intorduzione alla seconda edizione della Critica della Ragion pura
J. G. Fichte, Saggio per un estratto esplicativo della Critica del Giudizio di Kant, 1790/91, Diogene Edizioni
Luigi Pareyson, Fichte. Il Sistema della libertà. Mursia
Parte Manualistica: Kant e gli autori del dibattito post-kantiano (Reinhold, Maimon, Jacobi, Fichte, Schelling, Hegel .) tratti da un buon manuale di Storia della Filosofia, es. Cioffi/Gallo/Luppi et al., Il Testo Filosofico 3/1, Mondadori, capp. 1-6
Teaching methods
Frontal classes and seminars
Assessment methods and criteria
The examination consists of an oral test in which the student must demonstrate knowledge of the themes and authors covered, as well as their historical environment from a thorough knowledge of the texts read and commented on in class. The oral test may be accompanied by a written paper.
Other information
Classes will be streamed and made available in videotaped form on unife's Blackboard Collaborate. Course LINK: https://sea-el.unife.it/el-dip/course/view.php?id=7793
To log in you must get a provisional Unife account from assistenzafad@unife.it specifying that you are a student of the LM in Interateneo Philosophy
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