Ferrara Hub
Students can consult the class schedule on the University Student Agenda portal.
Teachers who use educational platforms for streaming and/or recording lessons can utilize Classroom (in this case, the code will be inserted in the Syllabus: consult the official website of Unipr) or a specially designed Moodle platform, particularly for courses shared with the LM-93 degree program (see the page dedicated to class schedules).
To access both Unife platforms (for teachers who use them), Unife credentials are required.
Follow these instructions to request a Unife account:
- Register at studiare.unife.it (see the GUIDE).
- Log in to SOS and select the option "request temporary account," also selecting the relevant degree program. The use of the account is strictly personal and exclusively for educational purposes.
For courses that use the Moodle platform: Go to the platform.
After your first login with Unife credentials, contact assistenzafad@unife.it via email with the subject "First login LM-78."