Learning objectives
The first objective of the Microbiology course is to enable the acquisition of knowledge and understanding about the basics of microbiology (bacteria, fungi, protozoa and viruses; host-pathogen interactions and pathogenesis of infectious diseases; mechanisms of action and use of common antimicrobial and antiviral agents and host immune response to infectious agents). A further objective is to provide the ability to apply in occupational contexts the knowledge and understanding acquired in the field of Microbiology and the required communication skills.
The hygiene course aims to provide knowledge, skills and communication skills and independent judgment regarding:
main determinants of health and communicable and non-communicable diseases;
effective means for the prevention of the main communicable and non-communicable diseases and for the promotion of individual and community health;
elements of health education and health promotion;
implementation of health education programs and prevention campaigns;
health promotion: Ottawa Charter;
techniques and regulations for the control of environmental quality in the pharmaceutical sector with particular reference to environments intended for the preparation of chemotherapeutic and antiblastic drugs;
epidemiology and prevention of the main infectious and chronic-degenerative diseases;
composition and processes of degradation and contamination of environmental matrices;
relationships between nutrition and health, food hygiene;
different types of health services with notes on the history of the Italian health service.
The integrated course also aims to provide the ability to apply in occupational contexts knowledge and understanding acquired in the fields of Microbiology and Hygiene.
Getting through Animal Biology - Plant Biology
Course unit content
The course includes, after the presentation and a brief introduction to Microbiology, the treatment of aspects related to: general characters and genetics of microorganisms and viruses, microbial metabolism and cultivation of microorganisms and viruses, host-parasite relationships in infection and infectious disease (pathogenicity and virulence), general information on the main infectious diseases, antimicrobial and antiviral drugs and related mechanisms of resistance. In vitro susceptibility assays of microorganisms and viruses to anti-infective agents. Infection and immunity. Microbial and viral strategies to escape host immune system. Criteria of direct and indirect microbiological diagnosis. Pharmaceutical microbiology.
The course of hygiene contributes to the realization of the educational objectives of the Degree Course in Pharmacy by providing students with the knowledge and skills necessary for the application of the epidemiological method, in the study of the spread of disease events within populations and disease prevention and health promotion.
Full programme
See the extended programs of Microbiology and Hygiene.
Visual aids made available online available on the Elly platform.
- N. CARLONE. "Microbiologia Farmaceutica", Società Editrice EdiSES, Napoli.
- M. LA PLACA. "Principi di Microbiologia Medica", Società Editrice Esculapio, Bologna.
- Signorelli C. Igiene e Sanità Pubblica. Società Editrice Universo, Roma, 2021.
- Gilli G. Professione Igienista, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2010.
- Barbuti S., Fara G.M., Giammanco G. Igiene, Medicina Preventiva, Sanità Pubblica. EdiSES Università, 2014.
Teaching methods
The arguments regarding the course content will be presented and discussed through lectures, with the aid of iconographic material collected in PowerPoint files that, at the end of the course, will be made available to students. Lectures will present the main conceptual frame of each subject, summoning questions or doubts from the audience.
Assessment methods and criteria
Learning outcomes will be verified through an oral examination. No interim evaluation is programmed. Questions on the topics relating to the courses content will be used by different examiners to test the student’s knowledge and understanding in the two scientific disciplines, and her/his ability to apply them in occupational contexts. Failure to answer to questions on one of the courses, or proven inability to demonstrate at least a basic knowledge of the subjects, will prevent the successful completion of the exam. Upon successful completion of the examination, the attribution of voting will be carried out according to the degree of achievement of the objectives (excellent, good, fair, fully sufficient, barely sufficient). The final vote will be decided jointly by the examiners, who will have the possibility to decide a vote not higher or lower than three grades from the best or the worst vote derived from the mean of the two individual votes. Full marks with laude will be reserved to students exhibiting, together with an overall evaluation of 30/30, capability of making judgments and good communication ability and autonomous learning skills. Students with Learning Disabilities/Special Educational Needs must first contact the "Centro di Accoglienza e Inclusione" of the University of Parma (cai@unipr.it).
Other information
The teachers are available for further explanations in office or by distance via Teams after e-mail appointment, or via chat on Elly platform.
2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
These courses contribute to the achievement of the goals of U.N. 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (03, 04, 06, 13, 15, 17).