cod. 1009798

Academic year 2024/25
3° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Fisica tecnica ambientale (ING-IND/11)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
3 credits
hub: -
course unit

Integrated course unit module: SUSTAINABILITY OF FOOD PROCESSES

Learning objectives

Knowledge and Understanding: Through the lectures conducted during the course, the student will gain mastery of the basic principles for understanding the energy processes involved in the agri-food supply chain.
Ability to Apply Knowledge and Understanding: The student will need to acquire practical knowledge, particularly regarding thermal treatments and the cold chain in the agri-food sector. The student will also need to acquire the basic tools to independently and critically approach design choices aimed at the sustainable sizing of heat exchange apparatus.
Autonomy of Judgment: The student will need to possess the tools to critically evaluate design choices in the sizing of heat exchange apparatus for the agri-food sector, considering aspects related to sustainability.
Communication Skills: Through the lectures and interactions with the instructor, the student will need to acquire the specific terminology related to energy systems.
Learning Ability: The student who has attended the course will be able to deepen their knowledge regarding thermal treatment processes in the food industry through the independent consultation of specialist texts, scientific journals, or popular science magazines. This ability will enable the student to effectively enter the workforce or pursue further educational paths.


To follow the course with profit requires knowledge of the basic concepts of Applied Physics.

Course unit content

The course aims to provide students with basic knowledge of the energy processes involved in the agri-food supply chain. The course alternates between lectures and practical exercises. The theoretical part covers the following topics: Recalls on energy balances for closed and open systems. Energy scenarios, the environmental problem, and the energy transition. Energy sources and the "green taxonomy." Energy consumption and production. The Italian context and the specifics of the agri-food sector. Thermal treatment processes. Heat exchangers and their sizing. The cold chain in the agri-food sector.
Practical exercises and in-depth case studies are an integral part of the course and are dedicated to numerical exercises intended as a moment of verification and clarification of the theoretical concepts acquired during the lectures.

Full programme


The slides projected during the course in PDF format, along with all the materials used during the lessons and exercises, are made available to students and shared on the Elly platform. In addition to the shared materials, students can personally deepen their understanding of some topics covered in the course by referring to the following texts: ENERGY and DESIGN, Badalucco-Chiapponi, Carrocci Ed.

Teaching methods

The course is worth 3 CFU (ECTS credits), which correspond to 30 hours of lectures. The educational activities will focus on classroom lectures (20 hours) combined with exercises and lessons dedicated to in-depth case studies (10 hours).
The theoretical part of the course is illustrated through frontal lessons. The part dedicated to exercise activities also involves activities carried out autonomously by the students, followed by the elaboration and discussion of the results.
The lecture notes and the proposed exercise outlines will be uploaded to the Elly platform. To download the material, students must enroll in the online course on the same platform.
In addition to the previously mentioned teaching methods, if conditions allow, seminars are organized and conducted by R&D managers from companies who present real case studies in the field of thermal exchange apparatus sizing in the food industry, with a focus on sustainability.

Assessment methods and criteria

The exam is based on an oral test preceded by a written test requiring the resolution of one or more exercises. The correct resolution of at least 50% of the exercises proposed in the test is an admission constraint to the oral exam. In the oral exam, the correct and complete response to the theoretical questions and exposure property are evaluated. The results of the written test are communicated within a few days after the test itself through publication on the Esse3 Platform; The final vote that considers the vote of the written test (max 10 points) and of the oral test (max 20 points) shall be communicated immediately at the end of the oral exam before its registration. The Laude is added in case of an excellent score in each item (written test and oral exam) and in case of particular communicative and speaking ability with reference to the specific field. Please note that online registration is compulsory for the written test; Different dates are proposed for the oral exam depending on the students' requests. During the course, partial formative tests are given, useful for monitoring the achievement of the learning goals and for providing feedback to students before the official call. The dates of the partial tests will be communicated by the teacher during the lessons.

Other information

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development



Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office


Quality assurance office

Education manager:
Cinzia Zilli
T. +39 0521 906433
Office E.


President of the degree course

Prof. Paolo Marco Tamborrini

Faculty advisor

UniPR - Prof.ssa Barbara Gherri

PoliTO - Prof.ssa Beatrice Lerma

Career guidance delegate

UniPR - Prof.ssa Eleonora Fiore

PoliTO - Prof.ssa Silvia Barbero

Tutor professor

Prof. Daniel Milanese


Erasmus delegates

Prof.ssa Eleonora Fiore

Quality assurance manager

Prof. Alessandro Tasora


Prof. Eleonora Fiore

PoliTO - Prof.ssa Silvia Barbero

Tutor students

not defined