cod. 1005975

Academic year 2024/25
2° year of course - Annual
Academic discipline
Slavistica (L-LIN/21)
Lingue e traduzioni
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

1. The course introduces the Russian language system in its phonetic, phonological and morphological aspects. Students are introduced to the understanding of the main grammatical topics and to the acquisition of first-level written and oral production skills.
2. By the end of the course, students will have acquired a good command of the Russian language system, will have consolidated their ability to understand Russian texts and will be able to produce written compositions and oral speeches on some general topics (introducing oneself, asking for or giving information, telling the time, talking about general conversation topics, such as: travel, free time, plans for the future).
3-4. The course aims to promote active student participation; the blended mode will allow students to prepare and consolidate the topics covered in class independently and then put them into practice in interaction with the teacher and peers. The ongoing assessment allows students to promptly recognise individual problems and deal with them without waiting for the final test. Communication skills will be enhanced in the course by reading and discussing texts.
5. By the end of the course, students will have a good knowledge of the Russian language system, achieving a language proficiency comparable to the A1 level of the Test po russkomu jazyku kak inostrannomu (TRKI), which allows them to independently perform some basic professional tasks in the fields of hosting and desk management.


The course does not require any specific prerequisites, but skills in morphological and grammatical structures are useful to facilitate the acquisition of the basics of the Russian language system. A solid knowledge of the Italian language allows a constant comparison in terms of translation.

Course unit content

The course is structured according to the competences required in international language certifications, to which are added some theoretical linguistic reflections and a specific attention to translation, in both practical and theoretical form; it is therefore structured in a series of knowledge alongside practical experience in listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. In particular, the topics covered in the course are:
a. Scientific transliteration and other transcription systems (2 hours);
b. Cases in the singular (with some reference to the plural): nouns, adjectives, pronouns (24 hours);
c. The system of verb conjugations (groups I and II) (10 hours);
d. Conjunctions, interrogative pronouns (6 hours);
e. Numerals, date and time (6 hours);
f. Motion verbs without prefixes (6 hours);
g. The aspect of the verb (6 hours).

Full programme

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- Cadorin E., Kukushkina I., Esercizi di russo per principianti. Livelli A1-A2, Hoepli, Milano, 2019.
- Shibarova A., Yarin A., Raz, dva, tri! Corso di lingua russa, vol. 1, Hoepli, Milano, 2019.
Bonciani D., Romagnoli R., Smykunova N. Mir tesen. Fondamenti di cultura russa, Hoepli, Milano, 2016.
- Kostjuk N.A., Fillips D., Čitaem bez problem, Zlatoust, SPB, 2014.
- Karavanova N.B., Čitaem i vse ponimaem, Russkij jazyk. Kursy, Mosca, 2012.
- Langran J., Vesnieva N., Magnati D., Molodec. Parliamo russo, Vol. 1, Hoepli, 2011.
- Čubarova O.E., Škatuločka, Russkij Jazyk, Moskva, 2008.
- Bulgakova L.N., Zacharenko I.V., Krasnych V.V., Moi druz'ja padezhi. Grammatika v dialogach, Russkij jazyk, Moskva, 2007.
- Chavronina S.A., Il russo. Esercizi, Il Punto editoriale, Roma, 2007.
- Dispense e materiali aggiuntivi sono disponibili sulla piattaforma Dolly

Teaching methods

The course is mainly composed of face-to-face lessons in classroom with theoretical explanations accompanied by exercises and practical examples (dialogues, simulations of real communicative contexts). In case of health emergencies and ministerial regulations, they can be carried out online.
The lesson is modulated according to the new e-learning criteria, with an introductory theoretical part pre-recorded and accessible on the online platform and a more applied part in which interaction with the student prevails. This is accompanied by self-assessment moments with the completion of tasks, the construction of glossaries and other activities that the student can carry out independently.
The exercises are aimed at reinforcing language skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) and consolidating the theoretical notions acquired.
The course is held in Italian and Russian. Although aware of the difficulty of a new language for almost everyone, it is necessary to get learners used to listening and speaking in the language straight away.
Attendance at the course is not compulsory but is considered essential.
The course is accompanied by a cycle of lessons held by Russian teachers which are an integral part of the course. The examination at the end of the course is preparatory to admission to the final examination of the Russian language course.

Assessment methods and criteria

The final examination consists of two parts:

1) Written test. Students are supposed to receive information about the exam from the lecturers.

2) Oral test of about 15 minutes consisting of:
(a) reading and preparation of some short texts indicated by the teacher (summary, plot, main characters, personal impressions);
b) general conversation on the topics dealt with during the course (family, work, study, free time, etc...) through a series of prepared questions;
c) instant translation (perevod s lista).

The oral test takes into account the following criteria and is assessed in thirtieths:
- Conformity of the learner's utterances to the communicative task required (10 p.);
- Cohesion, completeness and spontaneity (8 p.);
- Lexical and grammatical breadth and variety (ownership of language) and correctness of discourse (6 p.);
- Mastery of evaluative expressions and opinions (4 p.);
- Assessment of the correct register to be used (2 p.).

The final mark is in thirtieths and is the average of the written and oral tests.

Other information


Knowledge and understanding: learners have a sound overall knowledge of the Russian language system in its phonetic, phonological and morphological aspects. They know the main grammatical structures and have mastered the language skills of oral and written production.
Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: learners know how to apply the rules and construct short written texts or oral discourse. They begin to develop attention to the translation of the text in both directions (IT-RU / RU-IT).
Autonomy of judgement: learners, by evaluating their own learning during the course, develop greater autonomy of judgement which allows them to address individual critical issues before the final test.
Communication skills: learners have learnt basic expressions to satisfy elementary concrete needs, have acquired the ability to introduce themselves and others, to ask questions and provide information about some general topics.
Learning skills: learners have understood the basic skills of the Russian language and can deepen the individual aspects addressed during the course.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office


Quality assurance office

Education manager:
Giulietta Di Marco
T. +39 0521 034841
E. office
E. manager

Guidance delegate

Prof. Giulia De Florio
Prof. Nicoletta Cabassi

Career guidance delegate

Prof. Nicoletta Cabassi


Erasmus delegates

Prof. Micol Beseghi 
Prof. Alba Pessini     
Prof. Elisabetta Longhi
Prof. Andrea Ragusa      
Prof. Olga Perotti

Quality assurance manager

Prof. Enrico Martines
To contact the RAQ fill out the FORM

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