Non-selective test


The Verification of Initial Preparation -also referred to as the 'assessment test'- is not selective. This is a test of comprehension of informative/argumentative written texts in Italian.

Who has to do it

Students who have passed the Upper Secondary School State Examination with a score of less than 70/100 (i.e. 42/60) must take the test.

What to do if you fail

Students who do not pass the test will have to take supplementary activities. Please note that: those who do not take or fail the test (at both scheduled meetings) cannot take any exams (pre-test, in itinere test, final exam) of any 'Language and Translation' of the languages they have chosen.

How to participate in the test

The test calendar is updated annually and published on the degree course website, and notice and convocation is sent to the institutional student e-mail address, which is automatically assigned only after final enrolment.

Rehearsal dates

Rehearsal dates for the current a.y.: see on IT page

Test Results

Test Results: see on IT page.