Course unit partition: Cognomi A-L

Academic year 2024/25
2° year of course - Annual
Academic discipline
Psicologia sociale (M-PSI/05)
Ambito aggregato per crediti di sede
Type of training activity
54 hours
of face-to-face activities
9 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

At the end of the course, students must demonstrate
- Knowledge of relational dynamics in the family's life cycle with particular reference to the dynamics of the new family forms in the current context and of theoretical frameworks on which they are based;
- The ability to apply their knowledge to the social work profession, in the care and management of the helping relationship with families in need who come spontaneously or that are reported to the Services.
• the ability to gather and interpret information about family dynamics in order to develop assessments on cases independently, taking into account the ethical dimension



Course unit content

The course will address the theme of the family, its evolution in today's society and its complexity both as a system in continuous exchange with the external environment and as a primary space in which the individual builds his own identity and personality. The relational dynamics that define the identity of a family will be explored, its transformation into a plurality of family forms will be illustrated and studies and theories of the various interactive and relational processes will be examined. The course will analyze the transitions in the different stages of development of the life cycle (formation of the couple, birth of a child, family with adolescent child, family with adult children, family in old age) and the related critical events (normative and paranormative) and development tasks. The course is aimed at deepening specific areas such as: parenting and conjugality; conflict, separation and divorce; recomposed families; the multiproblem family; trauma and attachment theory; the genogram and intergenerational transmission; abuse and assisted domestic violence.

Full programme

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o L. Fruggeri, Famiglie, Carocci, 1997, Roma. Dal capitolo N°3 al capitolo N°7
o L. Fruggeri, Diverse Normalità, Carocci, 2009, Roma. Dal capitolo N° 1 al capitolo N° 3
o M. Malagoli Togliatti, A. Lubrano Lavadera, Dinamiche relazionali e ciclo di vita della famiglia, Il Mulino, 2002, Bologna
o C. Van Cutsem Le famiglie ricomposte, Raffaello Cortina editore, 1998 Dal capitolo N°1 al capitolo N°6

FURTHER INFORMATION (of which a complete choice text is OBLIGATORY)

• Luberti, C. Grappolini, Violenza assistita, separazioni traumatiche, maltrattamenti multipli, Erikson, 2021, Trento (DAL CAPITOLO 1 AL CAPITOLO 6)
• Maria Grazia Attili, Attaccamento e amore, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2022.
• S. Cirillo, R. Berrini, G. Cambiaso, R. Mazza, La famiglia del tossicodipendente. Tra terapia e ricerca. Raffaello Cortina, 2017, Milano
• S. Cirillo, Cattivi genitori, Raffaello Cortina, 2005, Milano
• T. Bertotti, Bambini e famiglie in difficoltà, Carocci, 2012 Roma.

Teaching methods


The annual 54-hour course (9 credits) includes 36 hours of face-to-face lessons and 18 hours of remote lessons.

During the lessons the general problems related to the themes of psychopathology of family relationships will be discussed.
At the beginning of the course, the teacher will take care of the verification of previous knowledge related to the discipline, accompanying the students, to the acquisition of that basic knowledge useful for the purpose of tackling the discipline itself.

The slides used to support the lessons will be uploaded on a monthly basis to the Elly platform. To download the slides, you need to register for the online course. The slides are considered an integral part of the teaching material.

Assessment methods and criteria


The final evaluation will aim to verify:
- the knowledge gained by the student on the topics covered during the course
- the ability to make appropriate connections between the topics covered

The assessment is considered sufficient if the student demonstrates full knowledge of the basic concepts and topics covered in class, as well as a sufficient ability to make connections and reflect on what has been learned.

The results of the exam are published on the Esse3 portal. Students can view the exam, by making an appointment with the teacher.

Other information


Please contact the teacher by e-mail to fix up a meeting.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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