cod. 1010639

Academic year 2024/25
2° year of course - Annual
Academic discipline
Scienza delle costruzioni (ICAR/08)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
20 hours
of face-to-face activities
2 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

This teaching module aims to further refine the skills acquired in the "Design of Structures" module of LP4 Design Studio.
Aim of the course is to deepen the
fundamentals for the design of structures. An overall overview of the design strategies for structural and non-structural components and their interaction will be provided.
By the end of the course the student should be able to:
- know the fundamentals concerning structural materials mechanical behaviour, conceptual design and dimensioning criteria for buildings (knowledge and understanding skill);
- conceive architectural projects based on realistic structural configurations according to the chosen material; to detect structural elements and to perform a proper dimensioning (applying knowledge and understanding)
- govern the procedure adopted in the current design practice. (Making judgements)
- tshow enhanced communication skill thanks to the confidence gained by the student through a constant connection between theoretical knowledge and applications to a real case study. Public speaking capabilities will be checked during the course to improve the use of the technical terminology currently used in the daily practice (Communication skills)
- govern the fundamental steps of the design of structure. The reviews of the assigned project, realised by students during lessons, will provide the measure to quantify and to check the ability of student learning (Learning skills)


The preparatory exam of Structural Analysis or Structural Engineering is strongly recommended.

Course unit content

The course aims at discussing and deepening the basic structural knowledge in order to correctly understand the structural behavior of a building. In particular, the course aims at providing the fundamental issues for a correct approach of an architectural project from the structural point of view and for a correct sizing of the main structural components of a building.

Full programme

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- FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency), “Designing for Earthquakes: A Manual for Architects”, FEMA 454, 2006, free download at the link:

- Levy, M., Salvadori, M., “Why buildings fall down: how structures fail”, W.W: Norton Eds., 2002.
- Torroja, E., “La concezione strutturale. Logica ed intuito nella ideazione delle forme”, CittàStudi Edizioni, 1995.
- Salvadori, M., Heller, R., “Le strutture in Architettura”, Etas Libri, 1992.

The teaching material, notes, slides and additional documentation will be available via the portal “Elly DIA”

Teaching methods

The course is mainly structured through practical exercises, focused on the analysis of proper case-studies.
All the adopted slides will be weekly uploaded to Elly platform. For the slide download the student needs to register to the online course. The slides must be considered part of the teaching material.

The teacher is available for further explanations by appointment scheduled via mail.

Assessment methods and criteria

More information about the adopted methodology to check the learning skill acquired by students can be found in the sheet of LP5 Core Architectural and Urban regeneration Design Studio.

Other information

The attendance to lessons and to exercises is requested for this course.