cod. 1008409

Academic year 2024/25
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Diritto agrario (IUS/03)
Discipline della produzione e gestione.
Type of training activity
48 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Upon completion of the course, the student is expected to be able to:
- know the Agenda 2030
- know the basics of European and food law
- know how to construct and recognize a correct food label
- know how to analyze proper advertising
- know the comparative basics of food law


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Course unit content

• Introduction and presentation of participants
o What is food in the world? Definitions worldwide
• International and European Food Policy
o Aspects of early Food Law
o The right to food as a Human Right
• International aspects
o Players in the global arena
o Codex Alimentarius
• European Union
o Introduction to EU Legislation
• EU rules & the free movement of goods (and food)
o Measure equivalent to Quantitative restrictions on Trade in Food
o Principle of mutual recognition
• Food safety and policy in the EU
o Food Crisis
o Green and White Paper on Food Safety
o General Food Law Regulation (Reg. 178/2002)
o European Food Safety Authority
• Food Hygiene in the EU
o General principles
o HACCP system
o Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF)
• Official Controls
• Food Information to Consumers
o Food Labelling
o Nutrition Labelling
• PDOs and PGIs of food and wine. Legal Framework in UE
• Claims in EU
• Advertising food and the interplay with consumer protection. IAP and AGCM main cases
• Principles of Advertising Law in Italy between the Consumer Code and case-law
• Criminal law and food law in Italy
o General principles of criminal law
o Most relevant food law offences
• Food processing and innovation
o Regulation 1333/2008 on food additives
o Novel food and GMOs
• Food Law & Policies: UK & North America
o UK
o Canada
• Food Law & Policies: Africa & South America
o South Africa
o Argentina & Brazil
• Food Law & Policies: Asia
o India
o China
• Food Law & Policies:
o Ukraine
o Turkey
• The consequences of the war on International Food Law & Policies
• The new frontiers of food law
o Animal wealth
o Sustainability & Greenwashing
o New Technologies, AI & Blockchain
• Concluding comments

Full programme

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The reference texts are first and foremost the Regulations and Directives studied, which will be analysed in class. In particular Reg 178/2002 and Reg 1169/2011, Reg 2017/625 and the Hygiene Package (852/2004, 853/2004, 854/2004, 882/2004). In addition to these, excerpts from some textbooks will be provided, e.g. European Food Law - Raymond O'Rourke and Gabriela Steier; Kiran K. Patel International Food Law And Policy.

Teaching methods

The slides used to support the lectures will be uploaded weekly to the Elly platform along with the lecture materials. Non-attending students are reminded to check the available lecture materials and directions provided by the lecturer via the Elly platform.
Teaching activities will be conducted with emphasis on active learning modes with continuous student participation. Lectures will also be alternated with practical cases, role playing and comparative lectures.

Assessment methods and criteria

The examination will be a two-hour written test divided as follows:
• 1) OPEN QUESTION [7 points]
o Question entailing a detailed answer on International Food Law & Policies
• 2) STIMULUS [6 points]
o Picture stimulating a detailed answer on International Food Law & Policies
• 3) EXCERSICE [6 points]
o Aspects of labelling and presentation of food (including nutrition declaration)
• 4) OPEN QUESTION [7 points]
o Question entailing a detailed answer on comparative aspects of International Food Law & Policies
• 5) MULTIPLE CHOICE [5 points]
o 10 multiple-choice questions (0.5 point each)

Examinations will be conducted in presence

Other information

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