Admission requirements

The MSc Program in “Food Safety and Food Risk Management” has no access restrictions other than those established by law and by the present regulation.

In order to profitably attend the MSC in “Food Safety and Food Risk Management” it is necessary to have an adequate basic knowledge in food technology, food microbiology, food chemistry, primary production, human nutrition, as well as an adequate knowledge of the English language (level B2).

Before enrollment, both the possession of the suitable curricular requisites and the adequacy of the personal preparation are to be verified, according to the methods specified below. Candidates in possession of Italian qualifications that meet the conditions specified below will be admitted without any restriction, while all the other cases will be verified by a special Admission Commission, indicated by the President of the Study Program.

Curricular requisites

The curricular requirements are automatically satisfied by the possession of a three-year Italian university Bachelor Degree in the Degree classes defined by the italian DM 270/04: L-25 (Agricultural and Forestry Sciences and Technology), L-26 (Agri-Food Science and Technology) e L-38 (Zootechnical Sciences and Sciences of Animal Production), or in the Degree Classes defined by th Italian DM 509/99: 20 (Agricultural, Agri-Food and Forestry Sciences and Technologiesi) e 40 (Zootechnical Sciences and Sciences of Animal Production), as well as an adequate knowledge of english language, certified as indicated below.

Perspective students in possession of a different Bachelor Degree than the ones listed above can also be enrolled, if they have acquired in their career at least 60 ECTS relevant for the present MSc course.

All the courses belonging to the following Italian sectors are considered to be relevant:

FIS/01 Fisica sperimentale (Experimental physics)

FIS/02 Fisica teorica, modelli e metodi matematici (Theoretical physics, mathematical models and methods)

FIS/03 Fisica della materia (Physics of matter)

FIS/04 Fisica nucleare e subnucleare (Nuclear and subnuclear physics)

FIS/05 Astronomia e astrofisica (Astronomy and astrophysics)

FIS/06 Fisica per il sistema terra e il mezzo circumterrestre (Physics of the Earth and of the circumterrestrial medium)

FIS/07 Fisica applicata (a beni culturali, ambientali, biologia e medicina) (Applied physics)

FIS/08 Didattica e storia della fisica (Didactics and history of physics)

MAT/01 Logica matematica (Mathematical logic) MAT/02 Algebra (Algebra)

MAT/03 Geometria (Geometry)

MAT/04 Matematiche complementari (Mathematics education and history of mathematics)

MAT/05 Analisi matematica (Mathematical analysis)

MAT/06 Probabilità e statistica matematica (Probability and statistics)

MAT/07 Fisica matematica (Mathematical physics)

MAT/08 Analisi numerica (Numerical analysis)

MAT/09 Ricerca operativa (Operational research)

INF/01 Informatica (Informatics)

CHIM/01 Chimica analitica (Analytical chemistry)

CHIM/02 Chimica fisica (Physical chemistry)

CHIM/03 Chimica generale e inorganica (General and inorganic chemistry)

CHIM/06 Chimica organica (Organic chemistry)

CHIM/10 Chimica degli alimenti (Food chemistry)

CHIM/11 Chimica e biotecnologia delle fermentazioni (Chemistry and biotechnology of fermentation)

AGR/01 Economia ed estimo rurale (Agricultural economics and rural appraisal)

AGR/02 Agronomia e coltivazioni erbacee (Agronomy and field crops)

AGR/03 Arboricoltura generale e coltivazioni arboree (Arboriculture and Fruitculture)

AGR/11 Entomologia generale e applicata (General and applied entomology)

AGR/12 Patologia vegetale (Plant pathology)

AGR/13 Chimica Agraria (Agricultural chemistry)

AGR/15 Scienze e tecnologie alimentari (Food science and technology)

AGR/16 Microbiologia agraria (Agricultural Microbiology)

AGR/17 Zootecnica generale e miglioramento genetico (Livestock systems, animal breeding and genetics)

AGR/18 Nutrizione e alimentazione animale (Animal nutrition and feeding)

AGR/19 Zootecnica speciale (Animal science)

MED/42 Igiene generale e applicata (Hygiene and public health)

MED/49 Scienze tecniche dietetiche applicate (Food sciences and dietetics)

BIO/01 Botanica generale (General botany)

BIO/02 Botanica sistematica (Systematic botany)

BIO/03 Botanica ambientale e applicata (Environmental and applied botany)

BIO/04 Fisiologia vegetale (Plant physiology)

BIO/05 Zoologia (Zoology) BIO/09 Fisiologia (Physiology)

BIO/10 Biochimica (Biochemistry)

BIO/11 Biologia molecolare (Molecular biology)

BIO/12 Biochimica clinica e biologia molecolare clinica (Clinical biochemistry and molecular biology)

BIO/13 Biologia applicata (Experimental biology)

BIO/14 Farmacologia (Pharmacology)

BIO/15 Biologia farmaceutica (Pharmaceutical biology)

BIO/16 Anatomia umana (Human anatomy)

BIO/19 Microbiologia generale (General microbiology)

VET/01 Anatomia degli animali domestici (Veterinary anatomy)

VET/02 Fisiologia veterinaria (Veterinary physiology)

VET/03 Patologia generale e anatomia patologica veterinaria (Veterinary pathology)

VET/04 Ispezione degli alimenti di origine animale (Inspection of foods of animal origin)

VET/05 Malattie infettive degli animali domestici (Infectious diseases of domestic animals)

VET/06 Parassitologia e malattie parassitarie degli animali (Parasitology and animal parasitic diseases)

VET/07 Farmacologia e tossicologia veterinaria (Veterinary pharmacology and toxicology)

ING-IND/10 Fisica tecnica industriale (Thermal engineering and industrial energy systems)

ING-IND/11 Fisica tecnica ambientale (Building physics and building energy systems)

IUS/03 Diritto agrario (Agri-food law)

IUS/04 Diritto commerciale (Business Law)

SECS-S/01 Statistica (Statistics)

SECS-S/02 Statistica per la ricerca sperimentale e tecnologica (Statistics for experimental and technological research)

The 60 ECTS have to have been acquired in courses, not in Stages or Thesis Projects, and should belong to at least 5 different courses among the ones indicated above.. Moreover, an adequate knowledge of the English language is necessary, resulting from the fulfillment of one of the following conditions:

➢ to have passed, for the attainment of the first level Bachelor degree or in subsequent certified university training activities, an exam for the learning of the English language at (at least) B2 level (with reference to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment - CEFR);

➢ To possess an official certification of English knowledge at (at least) B2 level issued by an accredited organism;

➢ To possess a three year Bachelor Degree officially taught in English language. For students having obtained the Bachelor Degree abroad, and/or in possession of qualifications with systems without ECTS, or in possession of other qualifications, the verification of the curricular requirements will be carried out by the Admission Commission, considering the appropriate equivalences between the contents of the courses attended by the student (and passed with positive evaluation) and the tables above.


The personal preparation will always be verified, and it is distinct from the simple possession of the curricular requirements.

For students coming from the Italian Bachelor Degrees belonging to the Degree classes defined by the italian DM 270/04: L-25 (Agricultural and Forestry Sciences and Technology), L-26 (Agri-Food Science and Technology) e L-38 (Zootechnical Sciences and Sciences of Animal Production) (or equivalent) the knowledge level provided will be considered sufficient to carry out the activities foreseen in the MSc "Food Safety and Food Risk Management". In those cases, personal preparation will be automatically considered adequate if the first level qualification presented for the admission to the MSC has been achieved with a final mark of not less than 88/110 or equivalent.

In the case of graduates with a first grade mark lower than the value indicated above, and/or in possession of a foreign qualification, and/or in possession of other qualifications, the Admission Committee will proceed with the verification of the final grade achieved, if available, or with the verification of the average grade, if available, or that of the individual courses. The Commission might also use individual interviews.
The MSc Program in “Food Safety and Food Risk Management” has no access restrictions other than those established by law and by the present regulation.

In order to profitably attend the MSC in “Food Safety and Food Risk Management” it is necessary to have an adequate basic knowledge in food technology, food microbiology, food chemistry, primary production, human nutrition, as well as an adequate knowledge of the English language (level B2).

Before enrollment, both the possession of the suitable curricular requisites and the adequacy of the personal preparation are to be verified, according to the methods specified below. Candidates in possession of Italian qualifications that meet the conditions specified below will be admitted without any restriction, while all the other cases will be verified by a special Admission Commission, indicated by the President of the Study Program.

The Admission Commission will then evaluate the curricula and the personal preparation for every single student, and will also indicate the sectors where potential training deficiencies are present, which must be removed in order to be enrolled. In order to remove those deficiencies and to be able to re-apply for enrollment, students can also enroll in individual courses and take the relevant exam, receiving a regular certificate, for a maximum number of 30 ECTS.

For extra-EU non-resident candidates only, with a foreign qualification, the verification of the adequacy of personal preparation must also guarantee the preparation of a merit ranking list, except in the case of international agreements that provide for a different student enrollment method.

A.Y. 2025-2026 - Admission procedures - Non EU Nationals

(Non EU students | Università degli studi di Parma (

The application procedure consists of three main steps:

- Pre-evaluation. Submit documentation related to your previous education and any Italian language certifications to our office, following the instructions in the section below (“Pre-evaluation”);

- Pre-enrolment on the Universitaly portal. Apply for an entry visa for Italy and receive final validation of your qualifications;

- Enrolment. Once pre-enrolment on Universitaly is confirmed successful, you must register on the University of Parma Student Registry and formalize online enrolment according to the specific requirements of your chosen degree course. Remember that having a valid VISA is mandatory to proceed with enrolment.



Pre-evaluation of candidates is mandatory to determine eligibility for admission into a second-cycle degree course taught in English while it is optional for first cycle and second cycle degree courses taught in Italian.

Students enrolling in an English-language second cycle degree course should follow all the admission steps at the following link:

The deadlines for requesting the pre-evaluation of your academic credentials are the following:
- From February 20th to April 32nd, 2025 (first call)
- From May 10th to June 20th, 2025 (second call)

When registering on the Universitaly portal, it will be mandatory to upload, among other required documents, the “Acceptance Letter” obtained through the pre-evaluation mentioned above. Failure to do so will compromise the success of the registration procedure.



Visit and then register on the Universitaly portal and apply through your reserved area to obtain the final validation of your qualifications and obtain an entry VISA to Italy (see paragraph below).

After completing the registration on the portal, you will be able to access your pre-enrolment form. When filling the pre-enrolment, remember to select the University of Parma, choose your desired degree course and follow the procedure.

While filling the form, you will be asked to specify the Embassy or Consulate where you will apply for the entry VISA. In case you have completed the pre-evaluation procedure, please remember to attach the response letter you got from the University of Parma.





Once the outcome of your Universitaly pre-application has been confirmed, please check the requirements and the access procedures for the chosen degree course, register on our website and proceed to matriculate/enroll online.

Among the documents required to finalize the matriculation/enrolment process, a copy of the Tax Code (Codice Fiscale) is required. The Tax Code is issued by the Italian Revenue Agency (Agenzia delle Entrate) or by the Italian Embassy/Consulate competent for your territory. Self-produced tax codes using Internet simulators are not allowed (see below).

Contact the Italian Embassy or Consulate to find out the requirements for obtaining the Tax Code and the entry VISA. Find all the information on the procedures in the "Studiare in Italia" portal.

You can find all the relevant information about the enrolment procedure are on the Unipr Website:

Non EU students | Università degli studi di Parma (

A.Y. 2024-2025 - Admission procedures - EU nationals


The application procedure consists of two main steps:

- Pre-evaluation. Submit documentation related to your previous education and any Italian language certifications to our office, following the instructions in the section below (“Pre-evaluation”);

- Enrolment. - After receiving the admission letter, from July 17, 2024, at 12:00 pm to October 18, 2024 pm, you can proceed with the online enrollment (free accesso courses matriculation )



Italian and EU students must send in a single document in pdf format (named with surname_name Food 24_25) the followings:

- application form (link)

- university enrollment self-certification with exams taken (students NOT yet graduates) or degree self-certification with exams taken

- B2 English certification or equivalent qualification (e.g. career exam) 

This documents must be sent to:

and (cc):

Deadline for Italina and EU student pre-evaluation applications: October 1st, 2024.


A.Y. 2024-2025 - Pre-enrolment application for students who have not yet obtained the degree

Students who have successfully completed the pre-evalutation, but will not graduate by October 18th 2024, can make the online enrolment application from July 16th 2024 at 09:00 to October 18th 2024, at 12:00.

In this particular enrolment application, where the insertion of university degrees is required, students will declare that they have not yet obtained the three-year degree and at the end of the procedure, pay the amount of 50 euros as non-refundable fee.

This application procedure is detailed in the 2024-2025 Prospectus (Manifesto degli studi 2024-2025) chapter "Domanda di preiscrizione ai corsi di laurea magistrale" - Manifesto degli studi 2024/2025 | Università degli studi di Parma (

Graduation must be acquired by March 31st, 2025.

After graduation students who wish to complete their enrolment in the master's degree course must send a communication to the Student Secretariat by e-mail ( ) which will charge the enrolment fees for enrolment in the 1st year of the master's degree course visible in their reserved area in Esse3.

The payment and the consequent enrolment must be made, under penalty of forfeiture, by March 31st, 2025.

A.Y. 2024-2025 - Enrolment application for students who have not yet acquired B2 English Knowledge requisite

Students who have successfully completed the pre-evalutation, but will not have the B2 level English knowledge requiste by October 18th 2024, can make the online enrolment application from July 16th 2024 at 09:00 to October 18th 2024, at 12:00.

In this particular enrolment application they will pay the first rate instalment of 156 euros, but they will get matriculation number when they acquire B2 English proficiency level.

For furter information you can contact:

B2 English level certification must be acquired by March 31st, 2025.

Once acquired, students who wish to complete their enrolment in the master's degree course must send a communication to the Student Secretariat by e-mail ( ), so they can get the matriculation number.

How to achieve B2 English Level

Ai fini del conseguimento del livello di inglese B2, gli studenti possono acquistare il corso singolo con cod. 1005844 offerto dal corso di laurea in Farmacia. Per informazioni sull'acquisto dei corsi singoli:
Per informazioni sull'esame e sui corsi: (si raccomanda almeno lo svolgimento del corso online in autoapprendimento "PREPARAZIONE IDONEITÀ INGLESE B2" sul portale Elly del Centro Linguistico di Ateneo).

For the purpose of achieving the English B2 level, students can purchase the single course with the code 1005844 offered by the Pharmacy degree course. For information on purchasing individual courses:
For information on the exam and courses: 
It is strongly recommended that students wishing to achieve the English B2 level should study at least the online self-learning course "PREPARAZIONE IDONEITÀ INGLESE B2" on the Elly portal of the University Language Centre.


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student's office


Quality assurance service 

Course quality assurance manager:
Dott.ssa Caterina Scopelliti
T. +39 0521 905969
E. service
E. manager

Course President

Prof.ssa Tullia Tedeschi

Deputy Course President

Prof.ssa Valentina Bernini


Delegate for guidance

Prof.ssa Emanuela Zanardi

Delegate for career guidance

Prof.ssa Francesca Bot

Delegate for tutoring

Prof.ssa Emanuela Zanardi

Member of the International student mobility commission

Prof. Francesco Martelli

Responsible for Course Quality Assurance (RAQ)

Prof.ssa Chiara Dall'Asta


Contact person for students with disabilities, specific learning difficulties,(SpLD) or vulnerable groups

Prof.ssa Marilena Musci


Delegates for internships

Prof.ssa Tullia Tedeschi - Unipr

Prof.ssa Paola Battilani - Università Sacro Cuore PC

Prof. Pietro Rocculi - Unibo

Prof. Emilio Stefani - Unimore

Prof. Nicola Marchetti - Unife