cod. 1012427

Academic year 2024/25
1° year of course - Second semester
Roberta SALERI
Academic discipline
Fisiologia veterinaria (VET/02)
Discipline veterinarie e riproduzione animale
Type of training activity
47 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: -
course unit

Integrated course unit module: Biotechnology applied to domestic animals

Learning objectives

This course is designed to give students knowledge of the fundamental mechanisms regulating growth and metabolic activity of domestic animals. He/she should possess knowledge of the useful biotechnology in the main species of veterinary interest.
Students should demonstrate to know all the items present in the program; in particular, students should show to be able to link the different arguments, to have a deep knowledge of the topics and to speech properly.


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Course unit content

The course begins with fetal programming lessons in relation to the improvement of production performance in livestock species. The core of the course concerns the biotechnological techniques to positively modulate animal production and reproductive performances. Basic veterinary endocrinology concepts will be provided to ensure a correct understanding of the topics. The final lectures concern the rumen and the manipulation of the flora/fauna rumen.

Full programme

fetal programming in pigs and cattle
Physiological and non-physiological growth modulators and methods to improve production performance
Regulation of the somatotropic axis: characteristics of growth hormone, mechanisms of action. Recombinant growth hormone. .
Reproductive axis modulators and methods to improve reproductive performance
Basics on rumen physiology. Rumen manipulation


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Teaching methods

Computer slides, lab instruments, scientific papers that are provided to the students during the course. Slides of the lessons are given to the students at the end of the course.

Assessment methods and criteria

Final oral examination. Students should demonstrate to know all the items present in the program; in particular, students should show to be able to link the different arguments, to have a deep knowledge of the topics and to speech properly.
The exam will be considered as passed if the student demonstrates that has sufficient knowledge of the arguments that have been treated during the course.
Students with SLD / BSE must first contact the Welcome and inclusion Center (CAI):

Other information

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