cod. 1009889

Academic year 2024/25
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Biochimica (BIO/10)
"struttura, funzione e metabolismo delle molecole d'interesse biologico"
Type of training activity
60 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: -
course unit

Integrated course unit module: CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS

Learning objectives

The Student will have to acquire the capability to connect the chemical nomenclature to the corresponding formula and to describe the structure and function of macromolecules such as carbohydrate, proteins, lipids and nucleic acids present in the cell. Student must recognize the functional groups responsible for the reactivity of the molecules. Student must acquire an overview of the mechanisms that govern the transformation of the molecules and its correlation with the production and consumption of energy.


The prerequisites consist of the chemical knowledges needed to pass the entrance test to Study in Medicine and Surgery.

Course unit content

First part: the structure of the atom and its properties; the three-dimensional structure and reactivity of the molecules; reactions.
Second part: chemical and structural properties of organic compounds.
Third part: structural and functional characteristics of the main macromolecules present in the cells (carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and nucleic acids).

Full programme

Introduction and atomic structure.
Properties of matter. Elements and compounds. Atomic number, mass number, isotopes. Atomic structure; atomic orbitals and quantum numbers. Electronic configuration of the elements.

Periodic properties of the elements.
Periodic table. Properties of elements: atomic size, ionization energy, electron affinity, electronegativity.

Chemical bonding.
Ionic bond and covalent bond (pure, polar, dative). Intermolecular bonding: dipole-dipole interactions, hydrogen bonding, van der Waals forces.

Inorganic chemical compounds.
Hydrurs, binary acids, oxides and anhydrides, peroxides, hydroxides, acids, neutral and acidic salts: formation reactions, reaction balancing, nomenclature, structural formulas.

Chemical kinetics.
Rates of chemical reactions, rate laws. The factors that affect chemical reaction rate: chemical nature of the reactants, concentration of the reactants (order of a reaction), temperature and catalysts. Molecular collision theory and transition state theory.

Chemical equilibria.
Chemical equilibrium is a dynamic process. The general expression of the equilibrium constant. Factors that affect the chemical equilibrium: variations of concentration, volume, pressure, temperature. Le Chatelier’s principle.

Chemical thermodynamics.
First principle of thermodynamics, the concept of enthalpy. Second principle of thermodynamics, the concept of entropy. Third law of thermodynamics. Free energy and spontaneity of chemical reactions; free energy and equilibrium constant.

Concentrations units. Colligative properties of solution. Acids and bases: Arrhenius theory, Bronsted and Lowry theory, Lewis theory. Acid-base equilibria. Strong acids and bases, weak acids and bases.
Water ionization. Concept of pH and buffer solutions. Chemistry exercises: concentrations of solutions, pH calculation of aqueous solutions containing different compounds, colligative properties.

Stoichiometric calculations. Balancing chemical equations. Oxidation state and oxidation number; balancing ox-red reactions.

Hybrid Orbitals of Carbon. Structural Formulas. Resonance Concept.
Introduction to Organic Chemistry: General concepts. Functional groups: Definition and classification of functional groups. Functional groups in biochemistry. Representation of organic molecules. Basics of organic molecule nomenclature. Intermolecular interactions and physical properties of organic molecules. Isomerism: Structural and stereoisomerism. Geometric isomers. Concepts of molecular symmetry and asymmetry. Chirality and enantiomers. Reactivity: Nucleophiles and electrophiles, reaction mechanisms, types of reactions in organic chemistry, and redox reactions of organic molecules. Organic intermediates and their stability.
Hydrocarbons. Classification. Alkanes: Nomenclature, physical properties, and characteristic reactions. Conformational isomerism in alkanes. Cycloalkanes: Structure and nomenclature. Alkenes and alkynes: Nomenclature, physical properties, and characteristic reactions. Geometric isomerism. Benzene: Aromaticity, resonance, and properties. Reactivity of benzene and major reactions. Substituent effects in substitution reactions: Inductive and mesomeric effects.
Alcohols, Phenols, and Ethers. Structure and classification. Physical properties of alcohols and ethers. Acidity of alcohols and phenols. Characteristic reactions. Nucleophilic substitution and elimination mechanisms in alcohols. Brief overview of thiol chemistry.
Amines. Structure and classification. Physical properties. Aliphatic and aromatic amines. Basicity of amines based on substituents. Amines as nucleophiles.
Aldehydes and Ketones. Structure of the carbonyl group. Physical properties. Characteristic reactions. Nucleophilic addition mechanisms with water (hydration), alcohols (hemiacetals and acetals), amines (Schiff bases), and hydrides (reduction). Aldol condensation.
Carboxylic Acids and Derivatives. Structure. Physical properties. Acidic properties and variation in acidity due to substituents. Characteristic reactions. Nucleophilic substitution (addition-elimination) mechanisms: Formation of carboxylic acid derivatives. Reactivity. Esters: Properties and typical reactions. Fischer esterification. Hydrolysis in acidic and basic environments (saponification). Amides: Structure and chemical stability.

Carbohydrates. Classification and nomenclature. Optical isomerism of carbohydrates. Structure, properties and function of the most important monosaccharides, disaccharides and polisaccharides.

Lipids. Fatty acids, triglycerides, saponification. Phospholipids and cerebrosides: structure and properties. Structural organization of lipids in water: micelles and lipid bilayers. Biological membranes: structure and function. Terpenes. Steroids: cholesterol and derivatives.

Amino acids and proteins. The 20 amino acids that occur in proteins: classification, structure and names. Acid-base behaviour of amino acids; isoelectric point. Peptide bond. The different levels of protein structure: primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary.

Nucleic acids. The sugar and the base components of nucleosides and nucleotides. Structure and nomenclature of nucleosides and nucleotides. Polynucleotides: structure and fundamental properties of RNA and DNA.


"Chimica medica e propedeutica biochimica" di T. Bellini. Editore Zanichelli.

“Chimica e Propedeutica Biochimica” di F.A. Bettelheim. Editore Edises.

“Chimica Generale, Chimica Organica, Propedeutica Biochimica” di K.J. Denniston, J. J. Topping, D. R. Quirk Dorr, R. L. Caret. Editore Mc Graw Hill.

Teaching methods

Lectures will be held on-site. Supporting material will be available on the specific, student-reserved platform (Elly).

Assessment methods and criteria

Written test (with multiple-choice and open questions). The final grade is notified through Esse3 platform.

Students with special educational needs (S.L.D.) may contact Centro di Accoglienza e Inclusione dell'Ateneo (

Other information

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