
The University of Parma promotes curricular internships in order to facilitate professional choices through direct knowledge of the world of work and the realisation of moments of alternation between study and work.
The curricular internship integrates and completes the student's training pathway through the performance of practical activities which, in accordance with the provisions of the Didactic Regulations of their Course of Study, may be carried out in facilities within the University or externally at qualified public and private organisations with which the University has entered into appropriate agreements.
The internship involves three parties: the student, the promoter (the University of Parma) and the host (company or organisation) where the activity is carried out under the guidance of a university tutor, a university lecturer and a company tutor.
The curricular internship does not constitute a prerequisite for an employment relationship between the trainee and the host structure, nor can it be a substitute for company labour or professional services.

Curricular Internship - Programme of Study

In the single-cycle degree course in Law, the curricular internship, if chosen by students, becomes an integral part of the 15 ECTS credits final examination in the fifth year.
Students who wish to undertake an internship may choose the curricular internship as part of their Programme of Study from their third year of enrolment.
The curricular practical internship may NOT replace an elective course.
A 6 ECTS credits curricular internship must be selected together with the 15 ECTS credits final examination, which, just like the 21 ECTS credits final examination, may consist of the writing of either a compilative or research thesis.


Per poter attivare un tirocinio, occorre:

  • essere iscritto/a almeno al terzo anno di corso;
  • aver inserito il tirocinio nel piano degli studi;
  • aver partecipato all'incontro preliminare o aver preso contatto con il delegato tirocini del Corso di studi.

Internship type

According to the location of the internship, in the study plan, you can select:

  •     Internship at the structure of the University
  •     Internship at external structure
  •     Internship in international mobility (see Erasmus plus Tirocinio SMT for information)



The student who intends to activate an internship must

1) attend the meetings organised by Prof. Alessandra Ambanelli or speak directly with the lecturer;

2) select the 'Internship' activity in the Programme of Study (choosing one of the three options proposed according to the location of the internship).
Students may take advantage of internships for which the University of Parma has already concluded specific agreements (a.), or they may propose internships outside the agreements previously stipulated by the University (b.).
In the first case (a.), the student must log on to the ESSE3 platform, view the internships offered on the internships-online web page and accept the internship that he or she considers to be most interesting.
In the second case (b.)

  • the host Organisation, identified by the student, must proceed with accreditation on the ESSE3 platform, request the activation of an agreement* with the University;
  • once the agreement has been approved, the Institution may proceed with the compilation of the training project through the "STUDENT KNOWN" procedure;
  • once the host Institution has started the "student known" internship, an internship application (training project) will be generated which will always be visible to the student on the ESSE3 portal under the menu item my internships;
  • the student must autonomously enter the name of the university tutor in the internship application (training project);
  • once the name of the university tutor has been indicated and the training project has been viewed, the student may proceed to confirm the project by clicking on the "accept training project" button;
  • after the student's acceptance, the system will automatically inform the university tutor that he/she has been chosen and will invite the tutor to enter ESSE3 to evaluate the training project;
  • after the university tutor's approval, the Career and Student Services office will conclude the procedure by starting the internship.

NB * If the company already has an online agreement with the University of Parma, it will immediately be possible to proceed with the compilation of the training project through the "STUDENT NOTO" procedure.
For more information on the online internship activation procedure and to consult the GUIDE for Students click HERE:  

If, before starting or during the internship, changes occur (e.g. postponement of the start or end date, temporary interruption of the internship, etc.) with regard to what was previously indicated in the training project, these changes must be promptly communicated by the student via the ESSE3 page (My Internships menu item, click on the traffic light in the extensions and suspensions column for the internship concerned. Then proceed with 'make a new request').   This procedure must also be followed if the student concludes the internship, upon reaching 150 hours, before the deadline indicated in the training project. 

Upon approval of the training project, the student must indicate the name of his/her university tutor.  You can indicate one of the following professors:
Alessandra Ambanelli; Salvatore Cassibba Fabio; Cristina Coppola; Ludovico Vitali Matteo.
(N.B. the student cannot start the internship before the approval of the training project by the university tutor and the university offices)

HOW AND WHEN TO MAKE VARIATIONS TO THE INTERNSHIPS PROJECT (e.g. advance or postponement of the end of the activity).
If, before the end of the online internship activation procedure or during the course of the internship, VARIATIONS are made with respect to what is indicated in the training project, these must be promptly communicated by the student by filling in an online form available on the ESSE3 portal, under the menu item "my internships" (click on the traffic light in the extensions and suspensions column for the internship concerned. Then proceed to make a new request).
Examples of changes/alterations to the training project: extension of the start date; extension of the end date; temporary interruption of the internship; ending the internship earlier than the end date indicated in the training project.
N.B. If you want to postpone the end of the internship, you must do so BEFORE it expires.
The recording of internship ECTS credits in the student's career is only possible if the internship is formally completed (it closes automatically when the end date indicated in the training project is reached). Therefore, if the student has accrued the 150 hours of internship before the end date indicated in the Training Project, he/she must, via the online procedure described above, close the internship early and then complete the mandatory questionnaire. In fact, the university tutor will be able to check in ESSE3 the regularity of the internship and assess the internship course, instructing the Student registry office to award ECTS credits for a successful internship only once the internship has been formally completed.

The conclusion of the online procedures for the activation of the internship will be communicated by e-mail to the company, the student and the university tutor. The status of the file will also always be available on the ESSE3 portal in the 'My Internships' section.
The student may then contact the company tutor in order to agree on the start of the internship. The contact details of the company and the company tutor can always be viewed by the student as they are included in the internship project published in ESSE3.
The student must complete 150 hours of practical training.
once the 150 hours have been reached, the internship can be terminated; at the end of the internship, the trainee and company tutor must attach the final documents (attendance sheet, trainee's paper and tutor's assessment) in ESSE3, which are useful for the recognition of ECTS credits. The trainee must also complete the internship questionnaire; the university tutor will take into account the assessment made by the company tutor and the materials attached to ESSE3 by the trainee and, if the internship has been successfully completed, will approve the internship for the subsequent recognition of ECTS credits.


Conclusion of the internship and recognition of ECTS credits

Please enter the following attachments in your online internships page (ESSE3) in the dedicated section:  
NB.  A final interview with the university tutor is not required for the recognition of internship ECTS credits. Therefore, at the end of the internship, the attachments must be uploaded in ESSE3 on the Internships page so that they can be assessed by the university tutor.
To add an attachment, you have to
log into ESSE3 with your credentials and go to the section Internships (my internships) and under Attachments enter the document.
Adding attachments to the internship application may be done by the student at any time during the internship, even at the end of the internship, but it is strongly recommended that they be added before the formal closure of the internship.
The attachments entered by the student will always be visible to the university tutor and the contact person of the host organisation. Likewise, the documents attached by the host organisation's contact person to a student's application for an internship will be visible to the student and the university tutor.
ATTENTION: The display of attachments is allowed to all actors in the process, but THE MODIFICATION AND REMOVAL of attachments is only allowed to the user who has inserted them.
  • Fill in the final evaluation questionnaire: The student's completion of the final internship evaluation questionnaire is a prerequisite for authorisation of the recognition of internship credits on the student's transcript. This is permitted from the day after the end of the internship. Once completed, the questionnaire will always be visible to the host institution and the university tutor but cannot be recompiled.
  • attach the final internship evaluation online to the student's training project.
Attachments can be added to the internship application by the company contact person at any time during the internship and will always be visible to the company contact person, the student and the university tutor.
To add an attachment, log in to ESSE3 with your credentials, click on the My Internships menu item in the INTERNSHIP AND STAGE section and consequently on the "View" item corresponding to the row of the student internship for which you wish to add a "new attachment".
evaluate the internship course taking into account the assessment made by the company tutor and the materials attached by the student in ESSE3.  If the student has complied with all the requirements and the course has been successfully completed, the university tutor approves the internship for the subsequent recognition of ECTS credits, which will be added to the 15 ECTS credits of the final examination.

Tirocini all'estero (al di fuori dei programmi di mobilità)

La procedura non è on-line. Le informazioni e la documentazione necessaria sono reperibile al link: 

Indicazioni generali

Come e quando apportare variazioni al progetto formativo del Tirocinio (es. anticipo o posticipo fine attività)

Se prima di concludere la procedura online di attivazione del tirocinio o se durante il suo svolgimento intervenissero VARIAZIONI rispetto a quanto indicato nel Progetto formativo, queste dovranno, tempestivamente, essere comunicate dallo/a studente/ssa compilando un format online reperibile nel portale ESSE3, alla voce di menù "i miei stage" (fare clic sul semaforo nella colonna "proroghe e sospensioni", relativo allo stage interessato. Procedere quindi con l'effettuare una nuova richiesta).

Esempi di variazioni/modifiche al progetto formativo:

  • proroga della data di inizio; 
  • proroga della data di fine;
  • interruzione temporanea del tirocinio;
  • chiusura anticipata del tirocinio rispetto alla data di termine indicato nel progetto formativo.

N.B. Chi vuole posticipare la fine del Tirocinio, deve fare la proroga dei termini del tirocinio PRIMA che giunga in scadenza.


Affinché il tutor accademico possa approvare il tirocinio, il tirocinante in Esse3 deve:

  • caricare nella sezione "Allegati":
    a) la Relazione finale, nella quale dovrà illustrare l’attività svolta;
    b) la Relazione dell’Ente ospitante, con scheda di valutazione circa l’operato del tirocinante;
    c) la scheda presenze sottoscritta dal tutor dell’Ente.

  • compilare il questionario obbligatorio, disponibile a partire dal giorno successivo la data del termine del tirocinio indicata in Esse3.

What to do in the event of an injury

The procedure provided by the University, in the case of injury, requires the student to submit in person to the Department, of reference by course of study, the Injury Report Form, the Privacy Form and the Certificate issued by the First Aid Station.

The Injury Report Form must be properly completed and signed by the student and also signed by the Department Director, the latter following due investigation of the incident.

The injury procedure and all documentation can be found on the Department's website in the Injury Management banner

Support for the activation of the internship

  • For information on internship activation and agreement procedures, students and companies can contact the Academic Office ( );
  • For information on the status of internship agreement activation and assistance with the online procedure, students and companies can contact the University Internship Office directly (

NB Please consult the guides before activating the support service: Procedures for students and Procedures for companies

Information meetings

Prof. Alessandra Ambanelli, the department's contact person for internships, is organizing meetings to explain to students the requirements, activation methods and procedures for curricular internships.

The meetings will be held online at Teams.

Meeting date:

  •     Feb. 1, 2024, 12 noon;
  •     March 7, 2024, 12 noon;
  •     April 11, 2024, 12 noon

Internship opportunities

  • Internship at law firm in Piacenza

  • Internship with a focus on Legal Affair activities at Maps Group, a Digital Transformation software solutions company

  • INTERNSHIP HQ NATO RAPID DEPLOYABLE CORPS ITALY 2023 - The NATO RDC-ITA Command organises an Internship (in English) for university students.

  • Internal internship: Creation of a catalogue raisonné of judgments handed down by Italian judges in the field of aviation law (application deadline 26 February 2021)

  • Internship at Fondazione Aequitas Adr 

  • Internship at One Sky Solution ⇒ 29 June: presentation meeting

  • Prefettura di Parma 


Advance semester Legal or notarial internship

Anticipation of a semester of legal internship The Department of Law, Politics and International Studies  and the Parma Bar Association have signed an agreement regulating the anticipation of a semester of legal internship for access to the legal profession during the final year of the degree course in Law (Law Degree Class - LMG - 01).
The agreement defines the modalities of this internship in such a way as to ensure course attendance and completion of university studies, as well as effective attendance of the professional practice.
The internship is subject to the specific requirements of the Convention and does not follow the computerised modalities foreseen for internships (6 ECTS credits).
However, if the trainee student - who has not previously completed any other formative internship - wishes to acquire the corresponding 6 curricular university credits (in reduction of the 21 ECTS credits final examination) a fraction of 150 hours of the entire semester of professional, forensic or notarial formative internship students enrolled in the final year who are interested in taking advantage of the possibility, provided for by law, of bringing forward a semester of training for access to the notary profession, may contact the Delegate of the Notary Council of Parma, Notary Dr. Federico Spotti (

Please find attached the Agreements (Italian version).


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office


Quality assurance office

Education manager:
Mrs Anna Maria Roseto
T. +39 0521 904130
Office E. giurisp.didattica@unipr
Manager E. annamaria.roseto@unipr

President of the degree course

Prof. Luca Ghidoni

Faculty advisor

Prof. Marco Gardini

Career guidance delegate

Prof. Francesco Mazzacuva

Erasmus delegates

Prof.ssa Malaika Bianchi

Quality assurance manager

Prof. Andrea Errera

Tutor students

link: Tutor for students