Enrolment procedures and deadlines

Enrolment on degree courses in the health professions is arranged according to the order of the ranking list and up to the number of places available.
For information on the publication of the ranking list write to carrserv.studenti@unipr.it

[EN] Requisiti per l'accesso

The number of places available is programmed at national level, pursuant to Art. 1 of Law 264/1999; the provisions on programming at national level issued annually by the Ministry of Universities and Research (MIUR) apply.
Admission to the degree course is open to candidates holding a secondary school diploma or an equivalent foreign qualification, pursuant to Ministerial Decree DM 270/04, art. 6, paragraph 1.
Every year, MIUR publishes the methods and contents of the admission tests for degree courses with nationwide scheduled access, which are referred to in the admission notice published on the university's institutional website and on the websites.

Admission procedures

IThe number of places available is programmed at national level, pursuant to Art. 1 of Law 264/1999; the provisions on programming at national level issued annually by the Ministry of Universities and Research (MIUR) apply.
Admission to the degree course is open to candidates holding a secondary school diploma or an equivalent foreign qualification, pursuant to Ministerial Decree DM 270/04, art. 6, paragraph 1.
Every year, MIUR publishes the methods and contents of the admission tests for degree courses with nationwide scheduled access, which are referred to in the admission notice published on the university's institutional website and on the websites.