Enrolment procedures and deadlines

The Degree Course in Physical Education, Sport and Health Sciences is subject to local enrolment according to chronological order and final high school grade.

Admission procedures

Admission does not involve any selection test: enrolment will be based on the chronological order of submission of enrolment applications with valuation of the diploma grade in accordance with the procedures determined by the Course Regulations.

251 posts are planned, of which: 3 reserved for non-EU nationals and 5 for athletes who have distinguished themselves for sporting merit (National, Olympic and Paralympic Champions).

The selection of the five places reserved for athletes who have distinguished themselves for sporting merit will be made by evaluating their sporting curriculum.

Knowledge of the Italian language is required for students of foreign nationality (Level B of the Council of Europe's European Framework of Reference for Modern Languages).

A negative result in the knowledge test entails the allocation of an Additional Formative Obligation (OFA), which must be fulfilled during the first year of the course on the basis of criteria defined annually and specified in the Didactic Regulations of the Course of Study.

Entry requirements


Admission to the degree course requires an upper secondary school diploma or other qualification obtained abroad and recognised as suitable according to current legislation.


For enrolment in the degree course, it is necessary to possess an adequate initial preparation, generally provided by almost all secondary education, including knowledge of the principles of mathematics, physics, biology and general chemistry.


Verification of the knowledge required for access to the Degree Course will take place in accordance with the procedures determined by the Course Regulations.


A negative result in the knowledge test entails the allocation of an OFA which must be fulfilled during the first year of the course on the basis of criteria defined annually and specified in the Course Regulations.