cod. 1010596

Anno accademico 2024/25
1° anno di corso - Annuale
Docente responsabile dell'insegnamento
insegnamento integrato
20 crediti
sede: PARMA

Obiettivi formativi

At the end of the course the student is expected to be able to:
- analyze and fully understand the relationship between Architecture and City in particular in the experience of the Italian and European city (1st Dublin descriptor);
- apply the skills acquired in the field of architecture and city design with reference to basic tools and knowledge of urban morphology, sustainable urban design and public space configuration (2nd Dublin descriptor);
- acquire a necessary and indispensable autonomy of critical (or self-critical) judgement on the architectural design declined with respect to the specific themes described in the contents (3rd Dublin descriptor);
- to strengthen the communicative capacity within the architecture and city project to specialist and non-specialist interlocutors, as well as the knowledge and the reasoning underlying them, in particular with respect to the indications described in the contents (4th Dublin descriptor).
- develop learning skills that allow students to continue studying mostly in a self-directed or autonomous way. (5th Dublin descriptor).


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Contenuti dell'insegnamento

The Laboratory will focus on the relationship between architecture and the city, where the settlement device experiments the interscalar concatenation of the architectural project in the definition of role, form and figure of the urban part and the volumetric and spatial components that characterize it. The city's historical palimpsest and narrative within which the project is inserted as a conscious variant in a critical relationship with the phenomenology of contemporary transformation. Geometries and physiology of the city of architecture. Narrative sequence and mechanisms of formal and functional articulation of the urban project.

The place of project is assumed as a complementary urban part to other urban parts in the definition of a significant role with the structure of the city and the territory. The scale of the intervention is confronted with the conditions of the context and the theme addressed, its criteria of habitability, also in the relationship with the village and the dialectic between architecture and infrastructure.

Among the objectives of the course are the acquisition of the ability to elaborate an architectural project in its compositional complexity in the continuous dialectic between built form and public space. Will be required the realization of maquettes of spatial and plastic analysis as well as technical elaborations for the presentation of the architectural project.

Programma esteso

The teaching will have the following program:
- Theoretical contributions in the classroom
- Lectures and conferences dedicated to case studies and projects
-Exercises dedicated to the theoretical principles of the contemporary project
-workshops dedicated to the design exploration of a theme of urban regeneration

The theme of the Course is the application of the Strategic Urban Project (PUS) methodology as a tool for the elaboration of an overall architectural scenario for the contemporary city aimed at implementing Urban Regeneration in a case study. The learning experience will be developed through the design of a network of green spaces accessible through a new slow system of urban relations through the places of the city. This different idea of mobility, along practicable paths within a unitary design, is composed of a network of public spaces and parks alternative to the existing road system. In this context the students will try their hand at the elaboration of an architectural project as part of a system of places.

The expected outcome is that of the elaboration of an architectural project on an urban scale with detailed architectural details that will lead the student to a coherent and balanced system of concepts of type, theme, program, construction type, language and character of the building.


E.N.Rogers, Gli elementi del fenomeno architettonico, Milano, 2006
E.N.Rogers, Esperienza dell’architettura, Milano, 1997
A. Rossi, Autobiografia scientifica, Parma, 1990
A. Rossi, L’architettura della città, Milano, 1966
A.Siza, Immaginare l'evidenza, Bari, 1998
A.Siza, Scritti di Architettura, Milano, 1996
P.Zumthor, Atmosfere. Ambienti architettonici. Le cose che ci circondano,Milano,2007
A.Loos, Parole nel vuoto, Milano, 1992
D.Costi, Casa Pubblica e Città, Parma, 2009
a cura di D. Costi, F.Magri, C. Mambriani, Parma Città d'oro, LetteraVentidue Edizioni, Siracusa, 2021, ISBN 978-88-6242-517-9

Metodi didattici

The didactic activities will be carried out by privileging active learning methods alternating with lectures, case studies and in-depth seminars. During the case studies (in general authors and/or contemporary architecture projects), the student will be privileged to discuss architectural design issues with the student, also in order to bring out the students' pre-knowledge of the topics in question.
The lessons will be organized in presence.

Modalità verifica apprendimento

The Laboratory, provides for the verification of learning through the evaluation of the project intended as a synthesis of the student's knowledge and ability to apply it. The final oral test consists of an individual interview through which the knowledge and critical understanding of the built architecture (1st, 2nd Dublin descriptor) in relation to the project will be verified. The interview will also test the student's communicative and learning/reasoning skills, clarity of exposure and the use of discipline specific terminology (4th, 5th Dublin descriptor). The ability to apply the knowledge will be verified through the project papers. During the final test, in the case of group design/exercise, it is necessary that each member of the group masters the whole exercise in its entirety as well as the parts he or she has personally supervised.

Altre informazioni

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Obiettivi agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile

Goal 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all;
Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable;
Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.


Numero verde

800 904 084

Segreteria studenti

E. segreteria.ingarc@unipr.it 

Servizio per la qualità della didattica

Manager della didattica:
Rag. Cinzia Zilli
T. +39 0521 906433
E. servizio dia.didattica@unipr.it
E. della manager cinzia.zilli@unipr.it 

Presidente del corso di studio

Prof. Enrico Prandi
E. enrico.prandi@unipr.it 

Delegato/a orientamento in ingresso

Prof.ssa Lia Ferrari
E. lia.ferrari@unipr.it 

Delegato/a orientamento in uscita

Prof.ssa Barbara Caselli
E. barbara.caselli@unipr.it 

Docenti tutor

Prof.ssa Lia Ferrari
E. lia.ferrari@unipr.it 
Prof.ssa Maria Melley
E. maria.melley@unipr.it  
Prof. Enrico Prandi
E. enrico.prandi@unipr.it 


Contatto per studenti extra UE

E. msinarchitecture@unipr.it 

Delegati/e Erasmus

Prof.ssa Silvia Berselli
E. silvia.berselli@unipr.it 
Prof. Carlo Gandolfi
E. carlo.gandolfi@unipr.it
Prof. Dario Costi
E. dario.costi@unipr.it  
Prof.ssa Sandra Mikolajewska
E. sandra.mikolajewska@unipr.it 
Prof. Marco Maretto
E. marco.maretto@unipr.it 

Responsabile assicurazione qualità

Prof.ssa Sandra Mikolajewska 
E. sandra.mikolajewska@unipr.it

Tirocini formativi

Prof. Carlo Quintelli
E. carlo.quintelli@unipr.it
Prof. Antonio Maria Tedeschi
E. antoniomaria.tedeschi@unipr.it

Studenti e studentesse tutor

William Bozzola – william.bozzola@studenti.unipr.it
Leonardo Cagnolileonardo.cagnoli@studenti.unipr.it
Mathieu Marie De Hoe Nonnis Marzano - mathieumarie.dehoe@studenti.unipr.it
Elena Draghielena.draghi1@studenti.unipr.it
Marco Mambrionimarco.mambrioni@unipr.it
Maria Parentemaria.parente1@unipr.it
Chiara Paviranichiara.pavirani@studenti.unipr.it
Francesca Pinelli francesca.pinelli@studenti.unipr.it
Federica Stabile federica.stabile@unipr.it