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Apply for Interpreter in italian sign language and italian tactile sign language

Career oriented degree
Admission test
course in Italian
class L-12
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Course presentation - video

The video of the course presentation will be available soon.

Why in Parma?

The course is aimed at those interested in the language and culture of Italian Deaf Persons and want to qualify for professions in this area.

The objects of study are the Italian sign language (LIS) and its culture, as well as the Italian tactile sign language (LIST). These subjects are examined in depth under the historical, social, legal and artistic aspects, to equip students with the means to face the challenges arising in different working situations.

The course provides students with vast theoretical knowledge and allows for the development of the professional skills which will be applied directly into the world of work. The training is designed to boost employability through the delivery of solid scientific content.

About one third of the course (50 ECTS) consists of the training internship.

The professional figure resulting from the course is Interpreter in LIS and LIST, as indicated by the Ministerial Decree 10 January 2022, containing the «Provisions on professions of interpreter in Italian sign language and Italian tactile sign language». A specialist who finds work in private companies and public bodies and institutions operating in this area, thanks to the specific multidisciplinary skills acquired.


Not mandatory.

After graduation

In accordance with DM 270/2004 and DM 59/2018 and subsequent integrations, the professional opportunities given by the course are language assistance activities in companies and public bodies and institutes, both in the field of language training and education and in the field of cultural services aimed at multilingual and multicultural contexts. Students can also work within the fields of protection of dialects and minority and immigrant languages, therefore pertinent to the figures envisaged by the Framework Law for assistance, social integration and the rights of disabled persons n. 104/92.

Further careers are also identified in those professions that require fundamental knowledge in interlingual and intercultural mediation (vocal and signed). This knowledge may also include basic training for the development of the skills necessary for interpreter in negotiations.

Given that the degree course is designed to lead to a profession, graduates cannot enrol in a second-cycle degree course afterwards.

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We are waiting for you at Career oriented degree Interpreter in italian sign language and italian tactile sign language