Entry requirements
Admission to the Course is open to candidates holding a secondary school diploma or an equivalent foreign qualification, pursuant to Ministerial Decree DM 270/04, art 6, paragraph 1. Every year, MIUR publishes the methods and contents of the admission tests for degree courses with nationwide scheduled access, which are referred to in the admission notice published on the university's institutional website and on the websites.
Candidates must also be adequately prepared and qualified for the entrance examination.
The number of places available is programmed at national level, pursuant to Art. 1 of Law 264/1999; the provisions on programming at national level issued annually by the Ministry of Universities and Research (MUR) apply.
Recognition of studies completed on degree courses of other Italian universities, as well as the respective credits earned, may be recognised after examination of the curriculum and course syllabi of the home university.
The documentation required for the request is submitted by the student to the Student Registry Office, which, after checking and administrative control (fees, transfers, etc.) will forward the documents to the Course President.
Recognition of credits acquired by the student on another degree course at the same university or at another university, including in the case of transfers or transitions of course or department, is the responsibility of the President of the course onto which the student is applying to enrol and takes place in accordance with pre-established and adequately publicised rules.
After assessing the application and identifying the number of credits recognised, and after consulting the Course Council, the Course President authorises the student's regular enrolment in the Course. Enrolment in a given year is, however, conditional on the availability of places.