Transfers and course transitions

A student enrolled at another university who wishes to study at our university or who is enrolled at this university and wishes to study elsewhere may apply for a transfer. In the former instance, this is an incoming transfer, in the latter it is an outgoing transfer.
If the student is enrolled at this university, but wishes to change degree course, he/she may apply for a course transition.
Students who enrolled on a given academic year may, by the deadline of the second instalment of fees and without charge, request for the option to change to another degree course. After that date, the option is no longer permitted and it is necessary to apply for a change of course (transition).

Internal location changes

Internal changes of location take precedence over transfers between university locations. Requests must be made on unstamped paper, made out to the Course President and sent to the Student Registry Office between 1 July and 31 August of the current academic year (Via Volturno n° 39 - ). Applications, within the limit of the places available for each training location, will be assessed by a Teaching Committee according to the following criteria:
- Passing the current year's placement examination (compulsory requirement) - Health problems
- Social/family/residence problems
- Merit (average marks of examinations taken)

Transfer from another degree course at the same or another university

Transfer from another degree course at the same university, or transfer from another degree course at another university, to the first year of the nursing course will only be possible if the student has passed the admission test and has been placed in a suitable position in the ranking list. Upon enrolment at the student Registry Offices, the student may apply for a 'course shortening' for the recognition of credits acquired.

Applications for enrolment in years subsequent to the first

Enrolment in years subsequent to the first year, following the procedures for the recognition of credits by the university of destination, may only take place within the limit of the places made available as a result of withdrawals, transfers and drop-outs from the course year in question, in relation to the places defined in the annual planning decrees.
Applications may be submitted between 1 July and 25 August each year, in accordance with specific procedures published in a special notice on the degree course webpage.
In order to apply for enrolment in years subsequent to the first year, it is essential to have passed the training requirements envisaged by the Course Regulations for access to the year for which enrolment is being requested and to have passed the apprenticeship examination for the same professional profile for the previous year or, alternatively, if the apprenticeship examination has not yet been recorded at the time of the transfer/enrolment request for subsequent years, a declaration from the co-ordinator of the apprenticeship is requested, stating that it has been successfully completed.
Transfers are not accepted from degree courses from university systems prior to Ministerial Decree. 270/2004.
Nuovi Ordinamenti (New Systems) (Ministerial Decree 270/04) have been active since 2011/2012.  Students who meet the requirements to be enrolled in the 2nd and 3rd year of the new system may apply for transfer/enrolment in subsequent years. A prerequisite for a transfer request is to have an active registration in the previous year.
ASSESMENT CRITERIA of applications
Assessment of applications will be carried out by the Teaching Committee and ratified at the first available Course Council meeting.
The Committee will assess the individual applications mainly with reference to the following criteria:
- congruity of the teaching syllabus of the examinations taken at the university of origin;
- number of university credits (ECTS credits) acquired or equivalent (ECTS or equivalent as dictated by the regulations of the country of origin);
- number of examinations taken and relative marks obtained;
- verification, with respect to the examinations taken by the student at the university of origin, of the propaedeuticity and blocks dictated by the respective Course Regulations.
In the event of potentially acceptable applications exceeding the availability of places, a ranking will be drawn up and taken into consideration:
- For transfers from the same degree course from Italian universities, the highest total number of examinations taken and the highest weighted average at the time of application (if students are still tying, the younger will be selected);
- For transfers from foreign universities* (EU or non-EU) highest number of ECTS achieved (if students are still tying, the younger will be selected);
- For equivalences, highest degree attainment mark (if students are still tying, the younger will be selected).
*the foreign universities of origin must be accredited by the relevant national authority to deliver a degree course of the same name.
Published below are the procedures for applying to transfer onto years subsequent to the first year of the Degree Course in Nursing.
Please note that the possibility of transfer is subject to the availability of places within the number of seats. The places provided for each year for the A.Y. 2021 - 2022 are as follows:
Year 2:
Azienda Ospedaliera location: 7
Ausl location: 5
Piacenza location: 4
Year 3:
Azienda Ospedaliera location: 9
Ausl location: 13
Piacenza location: 19
Please note that students from foreign universities must submit the original certificates issued by their university of origin and the analytical programmes of the courses attended and examinations taken, accompanied by a certified translation in Italian.
University links for transfers and transitions


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

T. +39 0521 033700

Quality assurance office

Manager della didattica:
Sandra Cavalca

T. +39 0521 034908

President of the degree course

Prof.ssa Elena Giovanna Bignami

Director of Professionalising Teaching Activities (DADP)

Teaching site Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria di Parma
Dott.ssa Rachele La Sala 

Teaching site Azienda USL di Parma
Dott.ssa Lucia Gotri 

Teaching site Azienda USL di Piacenza
Dott.ssa Cinzia Merlini 


Faculty advisor

Prof. Luca Ampollini

Dott.ssa Cristina Casubolo

Dott.ssa Francesca Costa

Career guidance delegate

Prof. Enzo Poli

Dott.ssa Cristina Casubolo

Erasmus delegate

Prof. Roberto Sala

Quality assurance manager

Prof.ssa Nicoletta Ronda

Internationalization delegate

Dott. Sandrino Marra