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Apply for Medicine and surgery

Single cycle degree course 6 years
Admission test
course in English
class LM-41
enroll now

Course presentation - video

Why in Parma?

The Medical School of the University of Parma develops its European and international vocation through the Medicine & Surgery course, entirely held in English, in the nearby city of Piacenza, which offers a hospital system that is not shared with other medical courses but will be uniquely dedicated to the new medical degree.

Students will develop a comprehensive medical knowledge, from health promotion to emergency medicine, from applied research to the latest medical technologies to health economics and management.

The course is entirely conceived in an international context. The use of English will tremendously facilitate students’ communication abilities with patients and colleagues all over the world during their professional activity, both in biomedical research and in clinical medicine.

What you will learn

  • Physico-chemical bases of life - 8 CFU
  • Cells & Tissues - 9 CFU
  • Statistics, Research methodology & Safety regulation - 5 CFU
  • Molecular biology, Genetics & Genomics - 6 CFU
  • Elective courses - 2 CFU
  • Biochemistry - 12 CFU
  • Human anatomy & Organogenesis - 12 CFU
  • Elective courses - 3 CFU

  • Human physiology - 12 CFU
  • Immunology & Microbiology - 13 CFU
  • Medical humanities - 6 CFU
  • Disease pathophysiology - 8 CFU
  • Clinical microbiology & Infectious diseases - 8 CFU
  • Pharmacology - 9 CFU
  • Biomedical research clerkships - 6 CFU

  • Laboratory medicine & Immunogenetics - 6 CFU
  • Endocrine & metabolic & gastrointestinal diseases - 9 CFU
  • Neurological sciences - 11 CFU
  • Psychiatry - 4 CFU
  • Hematology & Oncology - 7 CFU
  • Respiratory diseases & Allergology - 6 CFU
  • Cardiovascular diseases & Basic life support - 7 CFU
  • Biomedical technologies & Imaging - 11 CFU

  • Clinical immunology & Rheumatology - 5 CFU
  • Nephrology & Urology - 5 CFU
  • Muscoloskeletal diseases - 3 CFU
  • Rehabilitation medicine - 5 CFU
  • Dermatology & Plastic surgery - 5 CFU
  • Geriatrics & Functional patient management - 6 CFU
  • Head & neck - 10 CFU
  • Clinical surgery & Emergency medicine - 15 CFU
  • Medicine & surgery clerkship I (clinical rotation I) - 6 CFU

  • Pediatrics - 8 CFU
  • Obstetrics & Gynaecology - 6 CFU
  • Pathology - 8 CFU
  • Forensic & Occupational medicine - 7 CFU
  • Elective courses - 1 CFU
  • Public health, International health systems & Economics - 11 CFU
  • Internal medicine, Clinical pharmacology & Clinical risk management - 11 CFU
  • Medicine & surgery clerkship II (clinical rotation II) - 6 CFU
  • Elective courses - 2 CFU

  • Medicine & surgery clerkship III (clinical rotation III) - 27 CFU
  • Thesis - 3 CFU
  • 15 CFU in:
    • Licensing internship in Internal medicine
    • Licensing internship in Surgery
    • Licensing internship in Community medicine
  • Thesis - 15 CFU



After graduation

The international dimension of the course and the competence in global health make the graduate in Medicine and Surgery prepared to undertake Italian and international specializations, professional practice and biomedical research.

Training can develop with post-graduate programs in ltaly or in other Countries, according to the relative regulations, such as:

  • Medical specialization schools
  • Training in General Medicine
  • Second level Masters
  • PhD Programs.

Contact us

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We are waiting for you at Single cycle degree course 6 years Medicine and surgery