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Apply for Sciences and technologies for environment and resources

Second cycle degree course
Open access with verification of requirements
course in Italian
class LM-75
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Course presentation - video

Why in Parma?

The second-cycle degree course in Science and Technology for the Environment and Resources is part of the Department of Chemical, Life and Environmental Sustainability Sciences, selected by the MUR (Ministry of University and Research) as a 'Department of Excellence' with extraordinary funding for research in innovative fields, including the new frontiers of environmental science.

Do you want to make of environmental protection and enhancement your future profession? In the 1970s the University of Parma was the first university in Italy to include in its educational programmes ecology and environmental sciences.

The degree course is designed to impart the fundamentals of scientific language, a solid systemic culture of the environment and specialist skills in the analysis, assessment and management of natural environmental processes and those altered by human action.

At the end of your studies you will manage and apply environmental technologies which, supported by appropriate economic and legal knowledge, will enable you to operate in the fields of (i) the sustainability of land development and resource use, (ii) the protection and repair of ecosystems, and (iii) the remediation of contaminated sites.

The course also invests significantly in terms of internationalisation, encouraging teaching and research activities abroad, and providing two courses in English.



Access type

Open access (entry requirements to be verified).

Are you a future non EU student? Click here to find out how to enrol.


Mandatory for full-time students.

After graduation

AlmaLaurea data shows that the employment rate after graduation is high.

The professional career opportunities are diverse:

  • in environmental services of public bodies
  • in service companies for purification, water distribution and waste treatment
  • in professional offices for design and territorial planning, environmental assessment, certification, environmental analysis, remediation of contaminated sites
  • in companies producing goods and services, also as contact persons and coordinators of multidisciplinary working groups.

This title allows admission to the state examinations of some professional orders (Agronomy and Forestry Doctors, Landscape Architects, Biologists, Geologists, Agro-Technicians and Agro-Technicians graduates). It also qualify for admission to a PhD.


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We are waiting for you at Second cycle degree course Sciences and technologies for environment and resources