
The University of Parma promotes curricular internships in order to facilitate professional choices through direct knowledge of the world of work and the realisation of moments of alternation between study and work.

The curricular internship integrates and completes the student's training pathway through the performance of practical activities which, on the basis of the provisions of the Degree Course Regulations, may be carried out in structures within the University or externally at qualified public and private bodies with which the University has entered into appropriate agreements.

The internship involves three parties: the student, the promoter (the University of Parma) and the host (company or organisation) where the activity is carried out under the guidance of a student tutor, a university tutor and a company supervisor.

Curricular internships are not a prerequisite for an employment relationship between the intern and the host structure, nor can they be a substitute for company labour or professional services. 

Brief description of curricular internships

The programme of study for the Second-cycle degree in Computer Science provides for a 6 ECTS credits internship, corresponding to 150 hours of student commitment (1 ECTS credit = 25 hours).

The internship must be consistent with the educational objectives of the Second-cycle Degree Course in Computer Science and aimed at the scientific and professional maturation of the student.

It may be carried out in external structures (external internship), with which the University will enter into an appropriate agreement prior to the start of the internship, or in Departments or other structures of the University (internal internship) or at foreign universities as part of international mobility exchange programmes (e.g. Erasmus or Overworld programmes). In accordance with the procedures in force at the University, two tutors are assigned to each internship: a tutor from the host structure and a university tutor.

The host organisation's tutor is appointed independently by the host organisation and is responsible for enabling the student to cope with the internship and supervising him/her in his/her activities.

The university tutor is a teaching staff member in the Second-cycle Degree Course in Computer Science and is responsible for supervising the training aspects of the internship.

The structure, internal or external, wishing to host a training internship proposes one or more work projects to the student, who will choose them with the assistance of the university tutor.

What to do for the internship


The application for an Internship, subject to prior approval by the university tutor, may be submitted by the student to the Course Council no earlier than the start of the second year of the course, after having acquired at least 54 ECTS credits or after having acquired all the ECTS credits envisaged in the programme of study for the first year of the course.

The application must include certification of the performance of occupational safety training (training activity in the field of occupational safety, carried out in accordance with the combined provisions of Legislative Decree no. 81/08 and the State-Regions agreement of 25 July 2012).
For the activation of external or internal internships, the IT procedure will be used via the portal under the section Traineeships and internships.

The company tutor is the person who places the proposed internship. The student selects the internship from the esse3 portal and indicates the university tutor. The tutor, having examined the project, approves it and sends it via the portal to the University's Internships Service for approval by the Magnificent Rector.

External internship require an agreement between the university and the facility hosting the student. If the host structure does not yet have an agreement, or if the agreement is no longer active, it is necessary to proceed with the conclusion of the agreement in accordance with the procedure to be found on the page of the Internship Service of the University website.

At least fifteen days must elapse from the moment the training project is sent to the Internship Service until the start of the internship, in order for the procedure to be completed and the insurance cover to be activated. In any case, internship activities may not commence until the request has been validated by the Magnificent Rector.

It is possible to monitor the progress of the file via the ESSE3 portal.

The internship activity may constitute the subject of the Final Examination of the programme of study.

Useful contacts

Contact person Prof. Roberto Alfieri

Tel. 0521.90 6214

For administrative information, please contact the Internships Service, P.le S. Francesco, 3

Dott.ssa Roberta Donaera E-mail: -
Tel. 0521.902930

For the on-line procedure, connect to then follow the path: 
Services>Study Services>Internships and Traineeships>Curricular Traineeships>Student Procedure
Follow the instructions highlighted in the 'PRACTICAL GUIDE FOR STUDENTS'

NOTE: The internship starts after the university tutor has accepted the training project submitted by the proposing party


Security training

All students enrolled in the Second-cycle Degree Course in Computer Science are required to undergo security training.
Training is started for newly enrolled students at the beginning of the academic year and is conducted in e-learning mode on the Elly Security platform.
The first two modules are required for the Second-cycle Degree Course in Computer Science: 

  • Module 1- General Training (4h)
  • Module 2- Specific Training Low Risk (4h) 

Certificates from previous courses are only considered valid in the following cases: 

  • if the certificates were issued by the University of Parma
  • if the certificates for modules 1 and/or 3 were issued by the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, as the same as the University of Parma; module 2, on the other hand, is specific to UniPR. 

In all other cases, there is no exemption from the safety training modules provided by UniPr. 
The certificates are valid for five years.

Students who are not enrolled on the platform and 2nd-year students who have yet to attend the course can apply to be enrolled directly to tutor Dr Claudia Buga at

In order to be enrolled by the tutor, you have to log in with your University credentials on the platform before applying.

The printing and storage of the certificate of attendance is the responsibility of the student. You can produce it yourself after passing the test and show it if required. 

We would like to remind you that students who are not in possession of the course attendance certificates in the field of safety will not be able to start the procedure for the Curricular Internship or register for the Degree examination.

Course information can also be found at Sicurezza, in the 'Student Training' box. 

Riconoscimento attività lavorativa come tirocinio formativo

Il Consiglio di Corso di Studi in Informatica offre la possibilità agli studenti che abbiano maturato una significativa esperienza professionale nell’ambito dell’Informatica di richiederne il riconoscimento come tirocinio formativo.

Lo studente deve inviare la richiesta di riconoscimento al prof. Andrea Munaro all'indirizzo mail

La richiesta di riconoscimento potrà essere presentata negli stessi termini previsti per il tirocinio formativo.
In particolare, va presentata non prima dell'inizio del secondo anno di corso, dopo aver acquisito almeno 54 CFU oppure dopo avere acquisito tutti i CFU previsti dal piano degli studi per il primo anno di corso

Alla richiesta va allegato un CV aggiornato, una dichiarazione del datore di lavoro sullo svolgimento dell’attività lavorativa.
In caso di lavoro come libero professionista è richiesta una autocertificazione dello svolgimento dell’attività lavorativa. Inoltre la richiesta deve includere la certificazione dello svolgimento della formazione in materia di sicurezza sul lavoro.

Il Consiglio formula un parere sull’opportunità di riconoscere l’attività professionale descritta dallo studente nella richiesta sulla base della coerenza con i fini e le modalità del Corso di Studi e su ogni altro criterio ritenuto significativo. L’eventuale accoglimento della richiesta verrà comunicato allo studente e il Presidente del Consiglio di Corso di Studi provvederà alla formalizzazione dell’acquisizione dei crediti formativi.



Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

T. 0521 90 5116

Quality assurance office

Education manager
dr. Claudia Buga
T. 0521 90 2842
Office e-mail:
Manager e-mail:

President of the degree course

Prof. Alessandro Dal Palù

Faculty advisor

Prof. Vincenzo Arceri

Career guidance delegate

Prof. Roberto Alfieri

Tutor Professors

Prof. Enea Zaffanella

Prof. Alessandro Dal Palù

Erasmus delegates

Prof. Roberto Bagnara
Student tutor dr. Anna Macaluso

Quality assurance manager

Prof. Enea Zaffanella


Prof. Roberto Alfieri

Student representatives: 
Greta Dolcetti 
Massimo Frati
Davide Tarpini