The referents for the internships, Prof. Cristina Dallabona and Prof. Laura Giovati, collect the availability of professors on the 'professors proposed by the referents' list, which can be consulted on the internship page on Elly. The professors on this list are from both the University and external structures. Students who have obtained at least 57 ECTS credits and who wish to start their internship activity with a professor on the list CANNOT make personal arrangements with that professor, but they must submit a request by e-mail to both referents (, in one of the two annual windows (1-10 March and 1-10 October), indicating:
- enrolement number
- number of ECTS credits already registered
- marks average
- expected graduation date
using the form on the Elly page dedicated to internships. It will also be necessary to enclose a pdf printout of the academic transcript available on Esse3, clearly showing the average and the ECTS credits registered.
Only complete applications, submitted on time and addressed to both referents will be considered as valid (please send a single message putting both referents as recipients).
Students who have applied are provided with a list of professors who are available to activate the internship, with indications on the proposed dissertation topic, the number of available places for each potential professor, the duration of the internship, etc. A meeting is then convened and during this meeting, the referents explain the assignment procedures and ask students to express their preferences so that interviews with professors can be organised.
The referents then procede with the assignments, taking into account the student's preferences, the outcome of the interview with the professors, the average and the number of registered ECTS credits.
After the assignment, if the professor is from the University of Parma, the referents provide for the start of the internship, as reported on the link.
Then, the university contact persons or, in the case of an external organisation, the 'organisation contact person', will fill in the internship project on the ESSE3 platform. In ESSE3, the student must check and, if correct, accept the internship project and indicate the 'academic tutor' (one of the professors in charge of the degree course internship: Prof. Cristina Dallabona or Prof. Laura Giovati) who will be responsible for registering the ECTS credits at the end of the internship period. With the subsequent approval of the academic tutor and the final approval of the Internship Office, the start procedure is concluded and the internship may begin on the date indicated on the training project. Students should consult the Elly page dedicated to internships, where they can find more detailed information on the procedures to follow and the necessary forms.