Career Opportunities


The international dimension of the course and the competence in global health make the graduate in Medicine and Surgery prepared to undertake Italian and international specialisations, professional practice and biomedical research. Training therefore can go on with postgraduate programmes in Italy or in other countries, according to the relevant regulations, such as:

- Medical specialisation schools

- Training in General Medicine 

-Professional Masters Programmes (2° level)

- Ph.D. Programmes

Career prospects

Medical Surgeon Functions The graduate in Medicine and Surgery performs functions relating to the prevention, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of human diseases. Through the envisaged training pathway, aimed at achieving the qualifying educational objectives of the single-cycle degree class and the specific educational objectives outlined, it intervenes in any activity aimed at maintaining the health status of the individual, as defined by the World Health Organization. The graduate in Medicine and Surgery is prepared to carry out his or her professional intervention and contributes to the maintenance of public health.
Skills Performing the activity of a medical surgeon requires the graduate to have the skills to
- diagnosing and treating the individual's various illnesses; - assessing the individual's overall health status, also taking into account the socio-economic and environmental context in which he/she lives; - interacting constructively with patients and their relatives, with colleagues and other healthcare professionals; - working autonomously and, when necessary, collaborating and/or coordinating the activities of other professionals; - keeping abreast of advances in medical science.
In order to acquire the described competences, single-cycle degree graduates will have to:
- have developed and matured a highly integrated approach to the patient, critically assessing not only all the clinical aspects, but also devoting special attention to the relational, educational, social and ethical aspects involved in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the disease, as well as in the rehabilitation and recovery of the highest possible degree of psychophysical well-being.
The professional profile of single-cycle degree graduates should include knowledge of:
- fundamental notions and methodology of physics and statistics, useful for identifying, understanding and interpreting, biomedical phenomena; - fundamental biological organisation and basic biochemical and cellular processes of living organisms; - mechanisms of transmission and expression of genetic information at the cellular and molecular level - structural organisation of the human body, with its main anatomo-clinical applications, from the macroscopic to the microscopic level, up to the main ultrastructural aspects and the mechanisms through which this organisation takes place during embryonic development and differentiation; - essential morphological characteristics of the systems, apparatuses, organs, tissues, cells and sub-cellular structures of the human organism, as well as their main morpho-functional correlates - biochemical, molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying pathophysiological processes; - fundamentals of the main laboratory methods applicable to the qualitative and quantitative study of pathogenetic determinants and significant biological processes in medicine; - modes of functioning of the various organs of the human body, their dynamic integration into apparatuses and general mechanisms of functional control under normal conditions - main functional aspects in healthy humans; - fundamentals of the main methodologies of imaging diagnostics and the use of radiation, applications of biomedical technologies to medicine; - basic processes of individual and group behaviour; - behaviour and behavioural attitudes of medical knowledge.
Outlets Single-cycle degree graduates in Medicine and Surgery practise their profession within the framework of the standards and definitions set by the European Union, after registration with the Professional Association.
Graduates, in the various clinical, health and biomedical fields, can practise as freelancers or as employees at various public or private facilities/institutions:
- Hospitals and specialist centres - Territorial health authorities - Outpatient clinics - Universities and research centres - National and international health and humanitarian organisations - Pharmaceutical companies - Biomedical companies The international profile of the new single-cycle degree course also makes it possible to indicate, as a privileged and characterising outlet, activities in international health organisations (e.g. WHO; ILO, Intl Labor Organisation; UNICEF).


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

Quality assurance office

Education manager:
Giovanna Caselli

Manager E

President of the degree course

Prof.Antonio Percesepe

Faculty advisor TBD

Career guidance delegate TBD

Tutor Professor

[titolo] [nome] [cognome]
E. [email @unipr] 

Erasmus delegate

Prof.ssa Elena Masselli

Quality assurance manager

Prof.ssa Elena Masselli

Internships  TBD

Tutor students TBD