cod. 06128

Academic year 2024/25
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Indefinito/interdisciplinare (NN)
Abilità informatiche e telematiche
Type of training activity
24 hours
of face-to-face activities
3 credits
course unit

Learning objectives

Propose a path that, starting with a brief introduction to computing systems (architecture, operating systems, networks, and algorithms), delves into the use of personal productivity systems. The course includes, in addition to theoretical lessons, a series of classroom exercises to introduce the basics of using common tools.
With reference to the Dublin Descriptors:
Knowledge and understanding The course introduces the initial concepts related to computer science. The reference material is in Italian. Practical exercises are provided to support learning, with reference materials available online.
Application of knowledge and understanding The exercises accompanying the course focus on learning how to use word processing and spreadsheet tools. The theoretical part creates a context to provide basic knowledge for using a computer and understanding the underlying logic. Basics of problem-solving are introduced, which can be applied to spreadsheet construction and data visualization.
Autonomy of judgment The exercises proposed in class can be revisited individually or in groups. Comparing with classmates, whether working at home or in the classroom, fosters the development of specific skills for clarifying one's arguments to peers or instructors. Often, the proposed exercises can be solved in very different ways, and listening to solutions offered by others helps develop the ability to identify common structures beyond superficial differences.
Communicative skills Discussions about different methods to solve proposed problems improve communication skills. Additionally, specific communication methods related to information technology are routinely used during explanations (explicitly highlighted in class).
Learning ability Theoretical topics promote the development of technical-scientific reasoning and strengthen the understanding of the basics of computer science. The proposed exercises facilitate the learning and application of abstract concepts (logical-deductive).



Course unit content

Part I – Introduction to computing systems

Part II – Word basics

Part III – Spreadsheet basics

Full programme

Part I – Introduction to Computing Systems Overview of: computer architectures (von Neumann), processor, memory. Operating systems, network systems, databases. Computational thinking and algorithms.
Part II – Using Word Practical exercises and use of basic and intermediate functions.
Part III – Using Spreadsheets Practical exercises. Data entry, data selection, chart creation.


Teaching material:
online references

Reference text:
Luca Console. Introduzione all’informatica

Teaching methods

Standard classes. There are no laboratory classes

Assessment methods and criteria

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Methods To be able to understand and appropriately use word processing and spreadsheets. To have a foundational understanding of data processing and computational thinking.
Assessment/Examination Methods The examination consists of a written test through a closed-ended multiple-choice quiz. The topics covered in the test include both the theoretical part (architecture, operating systems, networks, etc.) and the use of word processors and spreadsheets, as covered throughout the entire course.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

Toll-free number: 800 904 084
E. segreteria.farmacia@unipr.it

Quality assurance office

Education manager:
Dr. Donatella Lombardini
E. didattica.farmacia@unipr.it

President of the degree course

Prof. Massimiliano Tognolini
T. +39 0521 906021
E. massimiliano.tognolini@unipr.it

Deputy course president

Prof. Stefano Bruno
T. +39 0521 906613
E. stefano.bruno@unipr.it


Faculty advisors

Prof. Claudia Silva
T. +39 0521 905077
E. claudia.silva@unipr.it

Prof. Elda Favari
T. +39 0521 905027
E. elda.favari@unipr.it

Prof. Valentina Zuliani
T. +39 0521 905060
E. valentina.zuliani@unipr.it

Career guidance delegate

Prof. Barbara Campanini
T. +39 0521 906333
E. barbara.campanini@unipr.it

International student mobility committee


Quality assurance manager

Prof. Stefano Bruno
T. +39 0521 906613
E. stefano.bruno@unipr.it

Contact person for students with disabilities, SLD or from vulnerable groups

Prof. Franca Zanardi
T. +39 0521 905067
E. franca.zanardi@unipr.it

Tutor Professors

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Tutor students

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