cod. 1007166

Academic year 2024/25
3° year of course - Second semester
Alessandra MADONI
Academic discipline
Economia applicata (SECS-P/06)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
40 hours
of face-to-face activities
5 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

At the end of the training activity, the student should have acquired knowledge and skills regarding the Economic Analysis of Health Care Activities in the following terms:
• Acquire the ability to apply the main methods for the economic evaluation of the health care programmes.
• Know and understand the health costs.
• Know how to evaluate the clinical development of the new drugs and new technologies.
• Identify and analyse critically the evidence in literature.


No one

Course unit content

Acquisition of the basic elements of health economics and economic analysis methods in health care. Acquisition of the knowledge of health economic methods: cost-effectiveness, cost-utility analysis and cost minimization techniques. Principles and concepts of outcome research, epidemiology and cost in health care. Concepts about development and price of medicines and health technologies.

Full programme

• Evolution of health-care expenditure and future prospects.
• The health-care system.
• Pharmaceutical market and regulatory policy.
• Health economics principles.
• Health-care costs.
• Main analysis techniques: cost minimization analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis, cost-benefit analysis.
• The concept of DDD (Defined Daily Dose).
• Drug epidemiology.
• Interventional and observational clinical studies and the importance of the economic data.
• The research and the critical evaluation of the evidence in literature.
• The ICER.
• The concept of QALY (Quality-Adjusted Life Year).
• Clinical research and new drug/ new technologies development.


Drummond, O'Brien, Stoddart, Torrance. Methods for the Economic Evaluation of Health Care Programmes

Teaching methods

Oral frontal Lessons and Exercises

Assessment methods and criteria

The assessment of the achievement of the objectives of the course through evaluation of learning provides a written test structured in 16 closed multiple choice questions.
The written test is evaluated with scale 0-30: each question involves the acquisition of 2/30 in the case of an exact answer, and in the case of a wrong answer or not given 0/30. Completion of 15 correct answers corresponds to 30/30. Completion of 16 correct answers out of 16 corresponds to 30 cum laude

Other information

The teacher can be contacted via e-mail (