cod. PR1010809

Academic year 2024/25
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Scienze infermieristiche generali, cliniche e pediatriche (MED/45)
Scienze infermieristiche
Type of training activity
20 hours
of face-to-face activities
2 credits
course unit

Integrated course unit module: GENERAL NURSING II

Learning objectives

Training objectives of the course:
The course aims to provide the student with the skills necessary to evaluate the general state of health of the patient. These skills will be acquired through learning methodologies, such as:
• nursing assessment which allows the definition and recognition of signs and symptoms of an illness
• the observation of needs in their normal and altered data and the observation of related needs (Dimensions: biophysiological, psycho-socio-value, etc.)


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Course unit content

The course aims to allow the student to know and understand through interactive theoretical and practical lessons:
• The importance of semiotics in nursing
 Semeiotics in nursing
 MEANING: Semeiotics - symptom - sign
 (Medical) model of body systems
 Semiotics and evaluation of the person
 Data collection and types of data and observation (levels of observation)
 The methods/approaches of Semeiotics or evaluation of the person: Inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation
• Nursing assessment of need: Movement
o Biophysiological dimension of the need
o Observe the biophysiological dimension of related needs
o Observe the psycho-socio-value dimension of the need
• Nursing assessment of need: tissue integrity
o Biophysiological dimension of the need
o Observe the biophysiological dimension of related needs
• Nursing assessment of need: Self-care
o Observe the biophysiological dimension of the need
o Observe the biophysiological dimension of related needs
o Observe the psycho-socio-value dimension of the related needs
• Nursing assessment of need: Nutrition
o Observe the biophysiological dimension of nutrition needs
o Observe the biophysiological dimension of related needs
o Psycho-socio-value dimension of the need linked to the state of nutrition
o Observe for binge eating disorder or Binge Eating Disorder (BED)
• Nursing assessment of need: safety
o Concepts of danger, damage, risk
o Two main domains: Physical safety and Psychological and social safety
o Observe the biophysiological dimension of the need
o Observe the psycho-socio-value dimension of the need
o Observe the biophysiological dimension of related needs
o Observe the psycho-socio-value dimension of the related needs
• Nursing assessment of need: Risk of falling
o Identification of risk factors
o Intrinsic risk factors: age-related physiological alterations
o Intrinsic risk factors: pathological conditions
o Extrinsic risk factors

Full programme

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Testi di riferimento:
 Giovanna Artioli, Patrizia Copelli, Chiara Foà, Rachele La Sala., VALUTAZIONE INFERMIERISTICA DELLA PERSONA ASSISTITA - approccio integrato, Poletto Editore, 2016
 AAVV.; Manuale di segni e sintomi (quarta edizione), Piccin, 2010

Teaching methods

Interactive frontal lessons

Assessment methods and criteria

Written exam at the end of the course

Other information

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